Black Gold Nigeria’s Oil Catastrophe

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It is so easy to blame the oppressed people, because they have no defence. The people that are dressed up in their Jackets and Tie, who make themselves the leaders or Government of the people have sold their birth rite to big cooperation, for the evil of the Earth "Money".

They are the ones that will have to give an account as to what is taking place, and why they allow the Earth to be destroyed. Why do they not blame the evil that they allow to come into the Country, claiming to bring Economy to the People, when it is this Economy that is the Destruction of the Earth.

It is this same evil that they have offered to those who were fighting against them, because the power of money makes people become individuals and forget the true cause, saving the Earth.

If this economy was working in the best interest for the people, do you believe that they would have to turn to more destructive means in order to live? Africans that were enslaved because of money, is made to believe that the tool of their enslavement and poverty, is the Christ of their Liberation, and is following the path to their total destruction.

The spirit of this teaching is called Education, which teaches selfishness and greed, and it is the educated that claim to be the leaders. I am sure African leaders  know the teaching of the Bible, for they too is under this spell of prosperty (when it is they who were prosperous) that is why they can errect the largest image of a Christ created in the image of their Oppressor in order to worship it.

They have given the Authority to Judas, making him to be the Cry'ist, who in the end went and hung himself. And instead of repenting they have made you to become proud to wear this noose "Tie" around your neck, as part of theirs Image, the image of the Beast. 


