Dropping Out Is College Worth The Cost

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                               THE DECEPTION OF EDUCATION

It is written that in the Beginning there was Darkness, and from the darkness Light was given Birth. Wisdom came out of Darkness, for without Wisdom, Light could not be born. Wisdom is that which upholds the Creation, and out of Light that the Invention is born. It is from the Invention that Sin, found within the Garden of (Eden), Life, is born.

It is out of the Invention that the spirit of Education is born. It is the parents that the Human Race fell into sin and sin lead to Death. To be given life from sin and death, one must be conceived by the spirit of Education, which is the way back to Life. Unless your roots (Beginning) came out of Darkness (wisdom), education will become your illusion.

What do I mean? Education has the power to mislead you, that you owe your Life to its Invention, and keep you blind to the fact that all of mans Invention is born out of the Wisdom of the Creation. Invention cannot exist, without that which is the first tangible energy, the Universe. Invention is the second tangible, just as woman came out of man. It is the second tangible energy that drive our material desires, of being successful.

One does not consider a penniless man to be successful; if you want an example of success you should look to the owner of Amazon, and those like him, who has power over the masses because of their financial strength. Everyone is born from education that became the sin of woman. For the people of the Earth, as it is written, are all born out of the Sin that spiritually impregnated Eve mind.

Because of the lower material achievement that comes through the spirit of education, that feeds the lust of the people born out of its sin, they are blinded to the fact that Psalms 24 is lifted above their Education. For within its Wisdom, there is the basic Truth, that all of mans invention Good or Bad, owes its Existence to the Creator, to who the Earth belongs.

It is the Europeans that colonized the rest of the Earth through their Inventions that they credit to their Education which is looked up to by the rest of the World ruled over by them, (and who educate them), as their means to salvation from poverty. The so-called success of those that rule over the masses, has been made the model to success as the documentary shows.

There are many that became financially rich through different methods of invention. For example, Face Book owner and others like him is made rich through an idea, that is unable to stand upon its own, without the idea of a Steve Jobs, whose idea is made into a tangible substance.

The inventor of the engine, the inventor that learnt to capture electricity, the inventor of the printing press, theirs invention would be called tangible, meaning it sustain itself.

Although we attach these practical inventions, to the people from which they came, we have failed to acknowledge, that their had to be the spirit of the invention which speaks through them, and they are only the vehicle through whom the spirit works. Without the Computer there would not be Facebook or YouTube. Without electricity there would not be a Computer or electric light.

YouTube Facebook did not invent anything; they came up with an Idea that works through those that invented practical objects. Now when you say that these people are successful because they make billions of Dollars. If it is based upon material success, then by the amount of money that one owns, it is the value by which success is measured or the value placed upon ones life.

In reality no man based upon material ownership is successful for man of himself owns nothing, not even his own Life. If he did then his money would give him eternal Life, which everyman in life dream that he could obtain. For what is wealth or ownership without Life? There is no such thing as a successful or wealthy man, when all his money, silver, gold or paper dollar, comes from a source outside of him.

If mans purpose in life is not to obey the Laws that uphold and govern Life, he is empty and truly poor, yet he is unable to see, being blinded by the spell of education that is cast upon him so that he is unable to see the Truth that no one can challenge and Live. With all his wealth and education, he is rapidly returning to the dust of the Earth from whence he came, and through false pride he will not give up.

Education is a spirit of deception, lie, and greed, and because it is made a spiritual energy, it lives above being prosecuted for its crimes, that comes through oppression, which is its tool used to force people into its snare. This is why it was said of the Tree of Good and Evil you should not eat. For while it promise freedom and poverty, it traps those who fall to its spell, to be enslaved for life, because of debt they owed to it. That which does not possess anymore good, then it is time Education is removed from the Earth, for its only purpose is to keep the people poor while promising them Life.