The Church Deny Christ Love

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The Church refuses to serve those whom Cry’ist came to save by his Love. In their delusion they have bowed down and embraces an image with Love, while preaching that the Devil is Evil. As it is written.

“Woe unto those that turn things upside-down, who call Good the Devil, and Evil the Christ (Good)”, They teach the people to accept darkness as light, and light as darkness.

What is more disturbing is that the Church have given Judas their authority to  throw his own daughter out of the place where she felt most secure!

Whenever slaves are given authority it is because those who give it to them is able to wash their hands of any guilt committed by them. 

The Mayor of Old York City, decides he will remain neutral to the greedy land-lords who is given the green light to raise rents, which will cause more people to become homeless, and the Church only care for tides and offerings, not servie, to the needy.

The Devil is now given the victory, for it is by your deeds that you shall be judged, and not your name. There is no name under the Sun that man call upon that will save them from the Hell Fire that is above their head (the Sun), and the Hell Fire, that is beneath their feet (Volcano).

Isaiah 14:29. Rejoice not Babylon The Great, because the rod of him that smote you (Moses) is broken: Out of the serpent's root a "Cockatrice", will be born, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. The firstborn of the Poor shall feed, and the Needy shall lie down in safety: