The History Of Whiteness

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The History of the Divided States of America is that of a Republic, founded upon a Kingdom that represented the King, James Town Virginia. The King and the rich of his subjects governed over the poorer class of his own people, and also those whom he made to become his slaves. The rich could not see themselves mingling with the slaves or even the poorer class of their own people, whom he made to become the overseer of his slaves.

Because the overseer was the ones who interacted with the slaves, the slaves saw them more favorable than their master. Whatever the rich wanted to give to the poor, the overseer became a middleman. The master is at the top (rich) and slave at the bottom the poor, and a new order was created called the middle.

It is the middle that rebelled against the Authority of the King because he refused to acknowledge the Law of the Creator that Rules over all, rich, middle and poor. Because of this the middle claim that they did not want a King to rule over them, because they saw him as being a Dictator, who answer to no one except himself, and decided that the people should have a second choice, so they rebelled and rose up in the Revolutionary War to create another option which they call the Democrats, thus introducing a two Party system so people have the option to choose.

Of course the slaves sided with the Democrats, because they felt closer to the overseer because he acts like them and also mingles with them which the rich would not do. When the middle won the Revolutionary War, the Country went from being called a Kingdom to becoming a Queendom (Liberty) from the fall of Babylon to the rise of Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots. (Revelation 17)

It is the Creator who allowed the middle to take the authority from the King so they could obey the Law that he refused to obey; instead she became twice as sinful as the king, her brutality against the Native Inhabitants, and the Slaves only got worse. It is by Greed that the Middle used to rule because there desire was not to help the poor and oppressed, rather to take the place of the King and acquire as much wealth as the rich.

The Church was created in the middle and should have been Cry’ist representative on Earth so that the Rich would brings the offering to them in the House of worship so that they can distribute it amongst the Poor. Instead they kept most of it for themselves and the poor remained destitute and in poverty.

The other thing wrong with having a two party system is that it becomes confusion of the mind when two people decides to make a single decision therefore nothing gets done, so the decision becomes a compromise and therefore weak. The governing of the Earth must return to a single decision maker, and a Government whose decision is not of self interest, rather it is made according to the Law of the Creator, who is over all people.

And while they will tell you that the King represents Dictatorship, they have upheld the dictatorship of a Queendom through whoredom that is given the title of Liberty, whose dictatorship is hidden to those she has blinded by her educational system so they are unable to see that the World is ruled over by a One World Dictator called Money, the World Bank. It is this Dictatorship that is responsible for all the Evil that the Earth is faced with.
