Why Africa Betrayed Gaddafi To The West?

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Because Africa has adopted Western ways, they have practice their behavior, selfishness and greed, this is what Europe used to Colonize them, and it begins with they conforming Africa to their Image through Education, so that even those with the best interest for Africa like Nelson Mandela, he too did not totally remove himself from under Western influence.

The man who is setting the example, is the man qualified to lead, but everyone want to be the Chief with nothing to offer. For Africa to turn against Gaddafi because he intervein in trying to take over Captalist Countries in Africa who the West support in oppressing their people is hypocrisy, for Africa is Colonized by European that took it over by force, and they stil live under Western influence

This is why Africa betrayed Gaddafi, a man who governed the welfare of his people far better than how the West govern Africa dispite of his faults which everyone have. This is why you created an African Union in order to solve your own problems rather than have your colonizers solve it for you for their own benefit. Look at Iraq and Libya after the West claim to liberate them.

Until Africa remove the Image and influence of the West from themselves and govern the Continent with the Will of its Creator, and not the sins of the West by first returning to their own Identity and the Integrity of their own royal attire instead of conforming to that of one who made himself their master. A Lepord trying to remove his spot is self sacrifice.

