1619 California Genocide

Luke 12:2 Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops. I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. I will warn you fear him who, after he has killed, has authority to cast into hell.

(Spirit of Truth) The President of the Divided States of America, Joe Biden decides to visit Angola to remind them of a History that brought the first slaves to the Americas in 1619. In 2019 the Mayor of New York visited Ghana instead of Angola to pay homage to this 400 years of bondage in the West, I guess he never knew where the History began or his trip was only to visit his Jewish friends in Ghana. There was a promise made to Abram that his descendants would be in bondage for 400 years and after this they would be set free. This is the Exodus found in the Book of the Old Testament, where the History of Egypt speaks of a 400 years bondage, and the plague that followed which finally forced Pharaoh to set the people free.

13404411881?profile=RESIZE_584xIn 2019 when the 400 years of slavery in the West was fulfilled there was a plague called COVID 19. Following the plague the people was put under grace that is about to be fulfilled. Biden address the people in Angola by telling them that their  friendship began in 1619! and that slavery is Americas original sin! Who was the their friends in 1619, the slaves? It could only be the Chiefs who sold their people into slavery, for Money (mark of the Beast) and who is today selling the resources of the Country to investors by displacing those that flee into the Forest to escape being sold into slavery.

The Angolians who are conformrd into the image of their great white master and given the privilege to attend the function to hear Biden speak, are the ones who see themselves superior to the Forest people because they are educated, yet none was able to question Biden about the Native Inhabitants of America, since he claim that slavery is America original sin.

Like the Africans they too are buried under the feet of their Colonial masters in (Holey-wood) California, because they found Gold there, just as they found Silver under the City of Angola and enslaved its people. The slave master is able to convince the slaves that America is theirs Country, and that as slaves they are superior to the people in Africa and the Islands and should be proud because they live in the greatest Empire. Slaves were given freedom to return to Africa as servants of their master to create and govern a State in his name and so Liberia was created, with its Capital Manrovia named after James Monroe 5th President, (five is the number that represent Eve), who died in the City of New York on Independence Day, 4th of (You-lie) July. 

They were the submissive slaves who became a carbon copy of their master and sent to be leaders in the House of the Rising Sun, and treated the Natives in Africa with the same oppression that the master treated them with in America. This is what slaves does weather they are in the West or in Africa. As soon as they are allowed to sit in the seat of their master and represent his interest, they become as him (monkey see monkey follow) and treat those whom they are allowed to govern over, with the same oppression. They have been schooled in the House of Judas, and many see Liberia as having the first American Black President. 

Wherever you find these leaders in Africa, or their descendants in the West who are conformed to wearing their slave master tailored made Suite as a badge of pride and honor, and is given authority to be rulers over their people because they are taught in his Institution of learning headed by his wife (Mary had a little lamb) whose bed they are allowed to share if they will serve her material interest which is greed, they follow the path of what is called a Democratic Government. They become puppet Government that see their own people as inferior, even worse. (you can check this Video link) https://silverbird.me/documentary/slave-become-master

As far as these European slave masters and colonizers are concerned, regardless of how educated they have made Africans or the descendants of Africa in the West, in their eyes they are all viewed as follow fashion monkeys because they adorn themselves in the image of conformity and pattern their lifestyle and behavior to be like their master and this becomes their pride. In appearance they have given up their own Integrity to become a corbon copy of sinners. African women have removed their attire that is royal and pure, to adorn themselves in that of a prostituting slave mistress and see themselves as educated and independent whose identity is found in a beauty parlour.

13402423682?profile=RESIZE_584xOf all Nationality the women of African descent spend more money in beauty aid than all other women combined! Slavery and poverty have created self hatred so that she sees beauty through the eyes of another race so she cannot accept and love her natural self, and the more educated she become, is the more she desire to immitate her sister that rule over her. 

She even dislike the attire that distuingish her from a man, and is now teaching her daughters to not like themselves as you can see in this picture of children in a primary school in Jamaica. These are children who is said to be very smart, children that have won quiz contest. Looking at the picture two boys and two girls, it is only their features that distinguish them as different.

All four of them is dressed in the same attire without any distinction! When a society who make themselves to be the educator decide to become followers (of a inferior people practices because of their finincial power), instead of leaders, how can they lead the younger generation into true values? I went to school in the Island when there was distinction between girls and boys in their physical appearance.

Because they have become followers, (which is found mostly amongst the upper class in society), they are changing the behavior of children which affects the way they begin to think. As long as they are academically smart that is all that matters. The most troubled children are the ones who are called smart. If a child is brought up wearing  monkey suite, he or she will start to behaving as if they are monkey, and it is only when they fail to do the things done by monkey that they become confused. Monkey people are educated, imitators of others behavior. 

If a people take on the image and characteristic of a master that has no integrity, then they too will loose their own integrity. When you allow girls to conform themselves into the image of boys, they will begin to feel as if they are boys, and then they are going to challenge boys and realize that their smartness is going to fail them, why? Because they are created different from boys, so they will begin to question their physical weakness and begin to feel inferior and so they will begin to hate boys, just like the 15-year-old girl who became the first mass murderer in an American school to prove that she can be equal to boys.

13355763674?profile=RESIZE_584xIt is said that she was an extreme feminist who hate men because women has to beg them for everything! In reality it is men who seems to be doing most of the begging because they are lead by the flesh! What make this so troubling is that she attends a Christian School that should have taught her spiritually the importance of her role in life as a woman that makes her equal to man, they are taught how to compete and to be independent.

Why would the President of Angola roll out the red carpet for Joe Biden who is letting them know of the crimes commited by the greatest Nation on Earth that is built upon theft, murder and slavery, and who support other European Countries like Israel (who claim to have been in bondage, which they are unable to show in practicality) to do the same thing they have done to others so as to become a great Nation? These Africa leaders like Israel, have commited the same crimes against their own people, and have participated in genocide and the slave trade.

This is why it is written "There is none found to be Righteous, not One", and I bear witness, like the Prophet Habakkuk, I was given a "Watch Tower" It is written in the Book of Revelation that the time has come for the dead to be judged, so that all who have commited crimes against Humanity, and all of Life is now brought back from the dead in order to be judged. Birds of a feather flock together, slave and master are all dressed the same in their attire, the only difference is that the Lepord cannot change its spot, and that is why the African Nations at home or in bondage is seen as monkeys, whose only desire is to be accepted as an equal with their Colonizers, not to abandon his world and create one that is New so as to save the Planet.

With all the Western education, African people still remain blind and ignorant to see that they are  being mocked. The blind is being lead to the slaughter unable to see, because education is not meant to open their eyes so that Africa and the Colonized World will forever remain a servant to a master whether their title is that of a President, Prime Minister, Emperor, Doctor, Lawyer, Professor, Minister or Judge, the Master that rules over them and who awards them with titles through his Institutions, have put them all in the same category as the Forest people, educated and uneducated monkeys that is to be kept in his spiritual Zoo. Even ministers are given title, and is dressed up in business suit.

Western education and lifestyle has mage the African and other Colonized Nations believe they are superior to their own people who lives in the Interior of Africa or the Americas. These are the people whom they claim to be backward because they are not educated, yet in reality it is the educated who are truly backward and in the dark. They will convince you that nakedness and poverty is caused because these people are not educated and that they need to be brought into the civilized world which is far from the Truth. If you listen to all these poor people around the World, theirs dream is the same, they want their children have an education so that theirs life will be better, this is the deceptive teaching taught to them by those who call themselves educated and missionaries. 

If this is the reality or Truth, why is it that the Earth which is governed by educated people is on the verge of total Destruction? From the East, (Africa) to the West, (the Americas), the people of the Jungle are the closest to Nature, the Garden of Life, and are the only ones able to save the Planet, not educated people and technology, or Religion and its teachings. The people of the Forest are people that came out of Great Nations and when their Civilization was conquered by more ruthless Un-civilized Nations, many of them that were also of the royal class took their family and fled into the interior of the Land to escape war, slavery and manmade destruction, and for Centuries they learn to adapt to living in Nature away from the modernized World that carries the poison of death and destruction. https://silverbird.me/documentary/earth-greatest-evil

That which calls itself progress, (modernization) has now chosen to encrouch upon the Interior of the Earth in order to rape that which was not yet raped for their own selfish greed, and those who had escaped them for hundreads of years is now threatened so that the educated and greedy can take the remaining Natural resources of the Earth that was not yet raped, while those who desire to be the leaders and who claim to be educated have allowed the same people that have enslaved and colonized them to use the invention of worthlessness that is called Economics to bring suffering and destruction to the Planet for financial gain and ownership of the Earth.

13409138658?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Earth was given into the hands of the African the Cradle of Civilization. Technology was given into the hands of European (those who would Colonize the Earth), who, for Profit sold the Inventions that was meant to be used for the benefit of all Life. All the  minerials needed for technology comes from the Earth, and because it was in the hands of the Indigenous people, they decided that they should possess it by force of violence.

It was told to them in the 24th Psalms that, "The Earth belongs to its Creator and Everything that is Within It" and not to man. In order to possess it they have exterminated and enslaved the Indiginous people, those in whose hands it was placed. They created Economy and Privitized the Earth, through ownership and invented things of Evil.

For profit, they have killed the Prophets and turned the Earth into an unlivable Garbage Dump, and have no intension of changing their behavior, even when the Earth is rebelling. They are suicidal in their behavior until the Earth wipe them and their madness of Democracy completely from Life so it can Heal itself, and remove their Medical Institutions that they claim to gives Life, while it is they who is taking away Life from all that belongs to the Living. They have exalted Education above Wisdom to blind the people so they are unable to see reality, that if the Earth is not Healthy, none of their  Institution will make you truly Healthy, and it is the Indigenous people who are the ones that possess the Spirit that will save Life.

No food will make you truly healthy if the Earth is not healed. Heal the Earth, and you automatically heal yourself, simple ABC. They have taken that which is given to them Free of cost, and made it into finincial profit that they call Economy, and Investment, and have destroyed the Earth with their Greed. All Government of the Earth, that are adorned in the Image of the Beast, have used Democracy to keep their people in poverty and must be removed from the four corners of the Earth, so that it will return to its scattered Inhabitants who will again be adorned in their royal attire, and resurrect the Garden of Life.

Esdras 14.“The Creator says, “I will no longer remain silent about the wickedness of these godless people; I will no longer tolerate it. They have murdered innocent people, and the blood they have spilled cries out to I for revenge; the souls of the Righteous are constantly pleading for vengeance. Let there be no doubt,” says the Creator, “I will hear the plea of all the innocent people who have been murdered and I will take vengeance for what has been done to them. I people are being led to the slaughter like a flock of sheep. They will no longer have to live in spiritual Egypt; I will use all I strength and Power to bring them out of that Land. I will bring disasters upon the Egyptians, as I did earlier, and I will destroy the Country. The whole Land will be in mourning; it will be shaken to its foundations when I, the Creator, strike it and pound on it. 

I mesage to the leaders of this Earth is to flee from the bed of prostitution and put down your weapons of War and save yourselves from the destruction that is about to be unleashed upon all who are engaged in Evil against Life for Profit. Take your money that you claim give Liberty and Happiness, and make a huge bond fire with it so that it burn before you are burned with it. Everything good and bad comes out of Nature from which I am born. That which is called money also belong to I who have already purified I self of it even though I am not yet liberated from it phisically. Spiritually I was given virgin birth, and have been made free of I own sin by conquering the bed of a prostituting wife (Liberty) so she can be purified by the fire of purification in this Judgment. Money did not save the people in California, and man is helpless against the Authority that Give and also take Life, man only can take life, he cannot give Life

Esdras Just as a respectable woman despises a prostitute, so righteousness despises sinfulness, no matter how attractive it may look. Righteousness will expose every sin in the World and condemn it face-to-face when her Defender comes. So do not imitate sinfulness or what it does, In a very short time sinfulness will be swept out of the World and Righteousness will rule among us. Sinners must not deny their sins. Those who say that they have not sinned against the Creator and his Majesty are only bringing fiery shame upon themselves. The Creator certainly knows everything that people do; He knows their plans and innermost thoughts. When the Creator said, “Let the World be Created,” it was done! When He said, “Let the Sky be Created,” that was done too. He set the Stars in place by His Command, He knows how many of them there are. He knows what is in the deepest part of the Sea and the treasures that are there. He has measured the Sea and everything that is in it. By His word He confined the Sea to its place and put the Land on top of the Water. 

The Creator stretch out the Sky and fixed it firmly over the Water like a dome. He put springs of water in the Desert and lakes in the high Mountains, so that water could flow down in the Rivers and water the Land. The Creator made human beings and gave each one of them a heart. He gave them Life, Breath, and Over-standing, which is the Spirit of (Love) Truth, for the Almighty, who Created everything and who knows all secrets sees into all hidden places. I people, the Creator knows everything you plan and the secret thoughts of your heart. Sinners who try to hide their sins are doomed. The Creator will carefully examine everything you have done and bring you to Judgment. On that Day you will be thrown into utter confusion; all your sins will be publicly exposed and the wicked things you have done will Witness against you.

13409110878?profile=RESIZE_584xDid Joe Biden visit Angola to tell Africa that all the Wealth that was and is been stolen from the Continent will be given to the descendents of slaves in the four corners of the Earth so that they will return in the Exodus with the wealth of their Labor that is acquired from their bondage of 400 years? What he did at the slave Museum is to remind them of the Evil the West have committed, and since it is acknowledge, to let us move on to our economical agreement as to how much more we can rob from the Continent in order to continue feeding our endless greed in exchange for useless paper that is used for debt owed. 

To them the only place for monkeys is in Zoos and I will shed light to their hidden secret. Biden choose to speak at a slave Museum in order to pay homage to the memory of slavery and also pledge money to keep the memory alive. Why would anyone desire to  keep the memory of Evil alive instead of wiping it from the Earth? The year that I was spiritually born in America, is the year that the Museum of Immigration was opened under the feet of Liberty, she who claim to set people free from slavery and oppression.

13402523256?profile=RESIZE_584xDonald Trump Inauguration Day is on January 20th, which is Martin L King Day. It is also on this day that the Montgomery Zoo and Mann Wildlife Museum is opened, and it is from Angola that they brought Pygmies to America to be part of the Wildlife Zoo attraction. One was even brought to the Bronx Zoo in New York and exhibited in a monkey cage. Darkness is now Light.

Joe Biden (Mighty Joe Young) is in Angola giving money for the upkeep of a slave Museum, and Donald Trump will be crowned Tarzan king of the monkey people on Kings Day. In other words Biden is In Africa to announce (that he is clearing the way for Trump, just as John the Baptist made way fro Cry'ist)  While the Jungle people is dressed up in their fine European attire to be made fun of in secret, both in Africa and America.

The first slaves to arrive on the soil of America in the Colony of Virginia (Old Dominion that was founded under King James the House of Stewart) landed on August 25th 1619, a day before I Mother Israel (who is of the House of Stewart) was born on August 26th. When slaves of Royal African descent is taken from any Country, they become the property of the Royal House of the Nation that took them. It is from those two Royal Household that I was given birth so that she who gave I birth in the Year and Month that Queen Elizabeth became Queen while in a Tree House in Kenya cried out in child birth as it is written. in Revelation 12. There appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the Sun, and the Moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve Stars: She being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

It is at I birth that the slaves began to sing “In His Hand He got the Whole World”. I Ben-jah’min is from Sunrise to Sunset, born between Day and Night to be given the double crown of Europe and Africa. I older brother born from the same Mother Rachael is (Joseph) Bob Marley. At his birth February 6th the Queen Father died, and on February 24th  of the same year I Mother Israel gave I birth. (Ronald Stewart Nugent) I am only a physical body chosen by the Creator from birth to bear witness to Truth, therefore I cannot be exulted unless the Creator does so. This why I am still waiting to be born into the World

13403501085?profile=RESIZE_584xThe Queen was suppose to be made regent at I birth, but I was thrown out of the cradle that was in the Tree House (Rock-a Bye Baby In the Treetop) I am a begotten (illegitimate) child that was caught up to Heaven waiting on the Judgment to come in order to gather the Righteous Government that will govern over all Nation with Peace and Love. Of those taken on the San Juan Bautista in 1619, when the Ship left Virginia it stopped in Jamaica where 24 young princes of the royal family were brought ashore.

I am born on the 24th of the Month and 24 is the balance between Heaven and Earth. The 24 that came ashore in Jamaica have become the 24 Elders in Revelation. Fort Nugent is in East Kingston and was built by the Spanish. Others from the San Juan Bautista were set ashore in Mexico and others in Brazil. After I served in the Civil War, I practiced Law and lived in El Paso for health reason where I was told in the Book of Hosea to take back a wife that went after men on horseback, who became a law unto themselves as written in the Book of Habakkuk. 

Habakkuk For, I did raise up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty Nation, that march through the breadth of the Earth, to possess dwelling-places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves. Their horses also are swifter than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves; and their horsemen press proudly on: yea, their horsemen come from far; they fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour. They come all of them for violence; the set of their faces is forwards; and they gather captives as the sand. Yea, they scoff at Kings, and Princes are a scorn unto them; They deride every stronghold; for they heap up dust, and take it. Then they sweep by like the wind and go on, guilty men, whose own military might is their God!”

13403250094?profile=RESIZE_584xPuerto Rico Capital is named after the San Juan Bautista, and there are two sisters that minister to I by way of the Art, both were dancers from Puerto Rico. It is this relationship that lead I to seek out the History of the Island which became a Revelation. The Patron Saint is John the Baptist, whose head was cut off because of the dancing girl.

It was also revealed that the Seal of Puerto Rico is a manifestation found in the Book of Revelation 5 that shows the Lamb lying down on a Book with seven seal. Around the border is the Lion of Leon, and the Crosses of Jah'rusalem. There are also two dates within Puerto Rico Coat of Arms that correspond to I spiritual birth in America, 8th November, and I physical birth in Jamaica 1952.

Revelation 5. I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a Book written within and on the back, close sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong Angel proclaiming with a great voice, who is worthy to open the Book, and to loose the seals thereof? No one in the Heaven, or on the Earth, or under the Earth, was able to open the Book, or to look thereon. I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open the Book, or to look therein: One of the 24 Elders said to I  Weep not; behold, the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome to open the Book and the seven seals thereof.

And I saw in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the Elders, a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, having seven horns, and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of the Creator, sent forth into all the Earth. He came, and took it out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne. When he had taken the book, the four living creatures and the 24 Elders fell down before the Lamb, having each one a Harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the Saints. And they sung a new song, saying, worthy art tho to take the Book, and to open the seals thereof: You were slain, and did purchase unto the Creator with your blood men of every Tribe, and tongue, and people, and Nation, and made them to be unto our Creator a Kingdom and Priests; and they will reign upon the Earth. I saw, and I heard a voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the living creatures and the 24 Elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a great voice, worthy is the Lamb that has been slain to receive the Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Might, and Honor, and Glory, and Blessing.

13409218301?profile=RESIZE_710xIt is on July 24th in 1952 that the usage of the flag of the Island began. (July 24th is Jennifer Lopez Earth-day) There is a historical link between Jamaica and Puerto Rico, from 1509. They were called verdant Island, with milk and honey, and shows that what is taking place in Gaza, is commited by the same race of people, that cleansed the Islands and America of its Indiginous population, whose blood now cries out for vengence against an unrepentant people.

2025 is a Numerical 9 Year, and Trump who is discribe in Revelation as the Beast who was and is to come again, will become the 47th President, a numerical 2 President, symbolic of John Adams, who served as Vice President to Washington the 1st President, symbolic of Joe Biden the 46th President, a numerical 1 President.

The British Empire (that William the Conqueror forged into becoming a World Empire) represents Nebuchadnezzar, (the first beast and the head of gold) who was given Authority over the Earth. It is George Washington who, after the Revolutionary War became the second beast that came up from the Earth and spoke as a Lamb to exercise the authority of the first beast. Why did he sound like a Lamb, because it is he who made the World worship the Image that the first beast desired to be made in his honor, and said that the World should bow down at the sound of all instruments, which is (the lamb) Peace. The Image is that of she who became the Liberator. She is the Goddess that was worshipped with Silver instead of Gold.

It is she who called the king a tyrant and decided that she would walk in the footstep of Cry’ist (Saint Clair) after she followed and listen to his Sermon on the Mount. (Matthew 5) She became an Actress in (Hollywood) the Theatre of Para-Mount, (not the Sermon on the Mount). It was told to Paul that it would be dangerous to enter the Theatre of the Art. Donald Trump in his rising up again will come up out of Biden, (as a numerical two President) John Adams, who rose up out of George Washington (a numerical one President). Trump was also brought to trial because of the prostitute in New York City, (she whom Cry'ist had defended and told her to go and sin no more). Spiritually she calls herself Stormy Daniel, Liberty,

13403283676?profile=RESIZE_710x whose origin is French. She has also trapped the slaves in her bed as it is revealed in her Theatre, “Stormy Weather”, (with Lena Horn), It is Eve who first went into sin, then Adam followed. The Mayor of her City is Eric Adams, a slave whom she invite to her bed and will cause the Storm of Fire to come down through the Beast who will now turn against her Image. (Donald Trump in Chinese is a Fire dog).

Her name is also Daniel which is the name of the Prophet who saw her Image that is worshipped by the World being brought down by the Stone of Freedom that smashes her feet as shown in picture.

Daniel 3. The people stood before the Image that the King  had set up. The herald proclaimed aloud, “You are commanded, O peoples, Nations, and languages, that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.

Whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace.” Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, all the peoples, Nations, and languages fell down and worshiped the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

Acts 19;24 A man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought no little business to the craftsmen. These he gathered together, with the workmen in similar trades, and said, “Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. You see and hear that not only in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods. There is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be counted as nothing, and that she may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the World worship.” When they heard this they were enraged and were crying out, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” So the City was filled with the confusion, and they rushed together into the Theater

Habakkuk 2:18 What profit the graven image, that the maker thereof has graven it; the molten image, even the teacher of lies, so that he that fashion its form trust therein, to make dumb Idol? Woe unto him that says to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise! Shall this teach? Behold, it is overlaid with Gold and Silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it. The Creator is in His Holy Temple: let all the Earth keep Silent before Him..

(Spirit of Truth) 2025 is a numerical 9 year, and the year of the wood Snake, (symbolic of the sin of Eden) and is the 6th sign in the Chinese, and the number that represents Adam. 9 is the furthest Number and is 6 upside down. The British band played” The World Turned Upside down at their Surrender to George Washington in York Town Virginia, the City of New York, which now Old in sin, (called the big apple) is named in honor is built upon a Rock. It is told to Timothy that a woman should learn in silence, and Ezekiel 24 speaks of the death of the Prophet wife. If she is given hush money, why did she desire to make public her sins again. It shows that she did not accept forgiveness.

Ezekiel 24. The Creator says Woe to the bloody City, to the pot whose corrosion is in it, and whose corrosion has not gone out of it! Take out of it piece after piece, without making any choice. For the blood she has shed is in her midst; she put it on the bare rock; (Manhattan) she did not pour it out on the ground to cover it with dust. She has wearied herself with toil; the abundance of her corrosion does not go out of her. Into the fire with its corrosion! On account of her unclean lewdness, because I would have cleansed her and she was not cleansed from her uncleanness. She shall not be cleansed anymore till I have satisfied my fury upon her. I am the Creator. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it. I will not go back; I will not spare; I will not relent; according to her ways and her deeds she will be judged, declares the Creator” The word of the Creator came to I: “Son of man, behold, I am about to take the delight of your eyes away from you at a stroke; yet you shall not mourn or weep, nor shall your tears run down. Sigh, but not aloud; make no mourning for the dead. Bind on your turban, and put your shoes on your feet; do not cover your lips, nor eat the bread of men.” So I spoke to the people in the Morning, and at Evening I wife (Liberty) died. And on the next morning I did as I was commanded.

She that is a descendant of slave calls herself a prophetess Tiffany Montgomery who says she is crying out for an Exodus, which was prophesied to Abram about his seed being in bondage for 400 years. Her prophecy will come to life when she is made clean as it is recorded in the Book of Ephesians 5, that Adam should become a sacrifice for Eve, for it is in Hosea that the Creator said he would speak to her heart and she would desire to return to her first love, when she realize that she has burnt out herself trying to please her master as written in Ezekiel 16.

Hosea 2:14 Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her. I will return her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of Hope; and she shall sing there as in the Days of her youth, and as in the Day when she came up out of the Land of Egypt. It shall be at that Day, says your Creator that you shalt call I Ishi, and shalt no more call I Baali. For I will take away the names of the Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be mentioned by their name. And in that Day will I make a Covenant for her and with the Beasts of the field, and with the birds of the Heavens, and with the creeping things of the ground: I will break the bow and the sword and the War out of the Land, and will make them to lie down safely.

I will betroth Israel unto I for ever; I will betroth her unto I in Righteousness, and in Justice, and in Lovingkindness, and in Mercies. I will even betroth Israel unto I in Faithfulness; and they shall know the Creator. It shall come to pass in that Day, I will answer, says your Creator, I will answer the Heavens, and they shall answer the Earth; and the Earth shall answer the grain, and the new wine, and the oil; and they shall answer she that is an outcast. I will sow her unto I in the Earth; and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy; and I will say to them that were not I people, You are I people; and they shall say, you are my Creator.

Alabama is the first love that I was given at I birth in America in 1972, and its Capital is Montgomery. It is there that the Bus Boycott took place lead by Martin L King, and it is on his Day that Trump will be sworn into office, and on the same day they are welcoming those that did not receive an invitation to celebrate at the Zoo, for Tarzan has returned. Montgomery is a French name from Normandy and William the Conqueror granted Land to the earliest known  person with the name. The University of Alabama has a Genie's Lamp out which Wisdom has

13359965074?profile=RESIZE_584x emerged to put Education to Silence. (I know you find it hard to believe that I am the Genie of the Lamp) song "Stepping Out" by Steel Pulse.


Martin L King in 1964 the year of the Worlds Fair in Flushing Meadow Park was given the Nobel Peace Prize, but it was not Noble, for it came from the same people that Cry'ist called the hypocrites  who also made him a martyr. He rose up above your hypocrisies and deception after he went to the Mountaintop accompanied by a African Pigmy and a Native Yahi (both of whom were caled people Wild) to hear the Sermon of Cry’ist. It is there tha† hewas given the Nobel Peace Prize. Your Nobel Peace Prize is named in honor of the man who invented Dynomite and became rich from it. To choose the Day given to King, for the Inaugration of those who promote War is called the Abomination of Desolation that is set up in the Holy place.

They should remember that King confessed to Harry Belafonte that he believe he had lead his people into a Burning House when he saw that he was deceived and betrayed by those that promote War. Even before Donald Trump is sworn in the fire has already begun to rage in California. Trump is the instrument being used to bring down Creation wrath so as to humble the pride of man. By him making war upon immigrants with mass deportation he has resurrect the spirits of all those that were killed in genocide and the Continent taken from them, while Biden is telling African people that their original sin is slavery.

Revelation 18:4 I heard another voice from Heaven, saying, come out of her my people that you have no fellowship with her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues: Her sins have reached even unto Heaven, and the Creator have remembered her crimes. Render unto her even as she rendered, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she mingled, mingle unto her double. How much she has glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow she will receive.  She said in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall in no wise see mourning. Therefore in one Day shall her plagues come, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire; for strong is the Creator who Judged her.

There are those who become angry with the Creator and ask why would a loving God want to see people suffer and become homeless, yet they would not question their own Government as to why they support a people (claiming to be Gods chosen), who are committing a modern day Genocide on innocent people, or why they keep giving money and weapons to other Countries to be used to kill people and destroy the Land, instead of using the money to rid the Country (that Trump want to make great) of homelessness and poverty. These are the people who believe that it is justified when they kill and destroy others, and when destruction visit them they are now angry with God, and not with themselves.

Trump cannot make America great again, for it was never ever great, except in oppression and military superiority that it used to make itself a God over the Nations. In their arrogance they have not bowed down to the Greatness of Creation and the its Universal Laws that govern the Country they were allowed to keep but they became arrogant and have governed the Nation and the people with cruelity and manmade rules that they use to replace the law. Trump is the man of pride through whom the final Trump-et will be blown to bring about the Universal Judgment on the entire Earth. He will not be crowned king of the Jungle on M L King Day, he can only save himself and his family from the Burning House that King prophised.

Since M L KIng Day is chosen for Trump to become Tarzan the new king of the Jungle, then your hypocrisy is exposed, the only crown America will wear is the crown of Destruction. The Divided States like Israel believe it is in their hands to judge and punish others with death, as if they are the Creator who is the giver of Life, will now be judged with their own Life for their crimes against Humanity and your military superiority cannot save you. Zoo people are the ones who possess the Noble Peace Prize. You and those who make yourself a superior Nation can keep the Prize that is No-bel, for it glorify destruction.

13403483484?profile=RESIZE_584xEvery bomb that is dropped on the Earth to cause destruction and death to Life is a dynamite that is of a higher technology, and it belong to your Nobel War Prize. (Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, inventor, engineer and businessman. He is known for inventing dynamite to whom the Nobel Prizes is named in honor of). 

The War between Ukraine and Russia began on February 24th which is I Earth-day. The ground war against Iraq, called "Desert Storm began on I Earth-day also. This year will make three years that war has been made upon I Earth-day physically. It is in 2002 on November 8th (which is I spiritual Earth day in America) that Saddam Hussein was given final opportunity to disarm after  you fabricated a Lie, for you are the children of Lie, that was used to kill thousands of innocent people, and no one was ever put on trial. 

Like you told Sad-dam one who is Sad, and is going to Dam you to Destruction. All who take it upon themselves to sit in the judgment seat of the Creator and threaten others to put down their weapons while they themselves is armed to insanity, must now put down their Weapons or face the Invinsible Desert Storm that cares nothing of the arrogant and their military superiority. The war being waged against I will come to an end so that Peace rules the Earth for the benefit of all Life, and all who is not on this Love Train, should leave the Earth as quick as possible. In this war I am balanced with a Russian sister  and an Ukrainian sister on either side of I and both belong to the House of Peace, Music.

Ishi is a name given to the Creator in the Book of Hosea and it means "Man" The Montgomery Zoo that opens on M L King Day, has a Mann Wildlife Learning Museum. It is Garnet Silk that sing "Cry'ist in his Kingly character. Ishi is also the name given to a Native Inhabitant who was the last surviving member of the Yahi people from California whom they called the wild Tribe that were extinct in a Genocide that was also carried out in the Islands against other Native Inhabitants, yet you who have committed these violent act have people on Dath Row!.

13406273070?profile=RESIZE_584xAmerica has taught its people that they are an invincible Nation, and have elected a proud President to uphold their Invincibility. When a people is being taught that there is nothing more powerful than they, and this invincibility is breached by forces that is no respector of man the people become angry and demand answers from their leaders.

So as not to appear weak, and to show that they are in control they try to explain why the inevitable take place in order to pacify the people. The reason why the fire was not contained is that there was not enough water, or the reservior was being repaired, they even went as far as to say an immigrant was seen with a blow torch!.

Biden went to Angola to tell the people that America only crime is slavery, and the President whom he is about to pass the torch to is going to deport illegal immigrants from America. The last surviving member of the Native Yati Tribe whom they called Ishi, walked out of the Forest like a Pygmy into Civilization and came to a slaughter house. He died on March 25th 1916. If you remove the 16 and place it in front of the 19 it becomes 1619, the Year that the first slaves from Angola landed on the shores of America. Ishi means Man, and as first in Creation out of Africa, the word become, I Man (as Rasta would say), who is from the Wildlife Mann Museum and like a Lamb who escaped the slaughter house where Ishi went after he came out of the Forest, as seen by Isaiah. https://silverbird.me/documentary/call-i-ishi

13409340679?profile=RESIZE_584xIsaiah 53:7  He was oppressed, yet when he was afflicted he opened not his mouth; as a lamb that is led to the slaughter house, and as a sheep that is dumb before its shearers, so he opened not his mouth. By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who among them considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due? And they made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; although he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the Creator to bruise him; he has put him to grief: when his soul was made an  offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his Days, and the pleasure of the Creator shall prosper in his hand.

Revelation 17 The beast that was and is not, and is about to come is an eighth but it belongs to the seven, and shall go to destruction. The ten horns that you saw are ten kings who have not yet received royal power, but they are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast. These are of one mind, and they hand over their power and authority to the beast. They will make war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”

(Spirit of Truth) No one should desire to see people being made homeless, yet the fire in California is prophetic and a warning, it is two fold. First the spirit of the Native Inhabitants is rising up, those to whom the Land was taken from violently. Secondly, the Church teaches you that Heaven is up and Hell is below, and the people in Hell are the ones that will burn in fire. Those who live in the Hills of California found their Paradise in Heaven where it was comfortable and safe, yet when they come down from heaven to where hell is, they are faced with one of the greatest homeless population crisis in the Country, and all who come down from their heaven to hell sees it everyday.

Yet these people who live way up in the middle of the Air  showed no concern for the people that are caught in the hell below, they drive past and head up into their comfort zone protected by their money. Now they are confounded because fire is not suppose to burn in heaven only in hell, and now they find themselves rubbing sholders with the people that are homeless in hell because heaven was not as secure as they thought it should be. They are faced with a rude awakening that heaven is breached, and America is not an Invincible Nation, there are Authority and Law that they too must submit to and obey without exception.(as Burning Spear sing in his song, Estimated Prophet)   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi8Jy6OE6g4&list=RDHi8Jy6OE6g4&start_radio=1&rv=Hi8Jy6OE6g4 )

13416710671?profile=RESIZE_710xBecause of Pride, stubborness and rebellion against Authority, they are still  acting with defiance as if they are in control. When Hurricane Sandy marched into New York and totally destroyed the Boardwalk on the shores of New Jersey, they vow to rebuild it to be Hurricane proof. In their arrogance someone made a song titled "Stronger Than Sandy", which the governor endorsed.

But again they had to be taught a humbling lesson, because just as they were celebrating the new Boardwalk a fire came and destroyed it again. This is the people who instead of humility, they keep challenging Life, until it completely wipe them off the face of the Earth. They make war upon people who have not made war upon them, and this is why Jonah the Prophet decided to flee from his calling

There is a saying, do not envy those that have, since you do not know how they achieve their possessions. If you allow thieves and murders to sell you property that is not theirs to sell lawfully in the firrst place, then you should be prepared to suffer loss. It is also written, you will reap that which you sow and this saying is written above the entrance door of Public School 171 (numerical 9) in Astoria. Donald Trump like Pharoah is chosen to bring down the final Judgment that comes with the blowing of the 7th Trumpet. Biden has given Israel and Ukraine all the weapons they need to create all the destruction, so that Trump will be sworn in on M L King Day also as the man that will bring peace, but he is not the Prince of Peace. Since he is chosen for a purpose, good or bad it is not for I to condem him, the Creator is Judge over All.

13416784500?profile=RESIZE_710xWith the spirit of I Mother (M-uriel) she who is Zion, the “Weeping Woman”  the Earth will be shaken to its Foundation in order to give birth and establish  the New Heaven and Earth. If this is not fulfilled then the Earth will go to Total Destruction as seen by Matthew in the 24th Chapter. Unless those Days are shortened no flesh will be left alive. 

Esdras While I was talking to her, behold, her face suddenly shone exceedingly, and her countenance flashed like lightning, so that I was too frightened to approach her, and I heart was terrified. While I was wondering what this meant, behold, she suddenly uttered a loud and fearful cry, so that the Earth shook to its foundation at the sound. I looked, and behold, the woman was no longer visible to I, but there was an established City, and a place of huge Foundations showed itself.

Then I was afraid, and cried with a loud voice and said Where is the Angel Uriel, who came to I at first? It was he who brought I into this overpowering bewilderment; I end has become corruption, and I prayer a reproach." As I was speaking these words, behold, the Angel who had come to I at first came to I, and he looked upon I; Uriel interprets the Vision. Behold, I lay there like a corpse and I was deprived of I over-standing. Then he grasped I right hand and strengthened I and set me on my feet, and said to I.

What is the matter with you? And why are you troubled? And why are your over-standing and the thoughts of your mind troubled?" I said, "Because you have forsaken I! I did as you directed, and went out into the field, and behold, I saw, and still see, what I am unable to explain." He said to I "Stand up like (Ishi) a man, and I will instruct you." I said, "Speak, I lord; only do not forsake I, lest I die before I time. I have seen what I did not know, and I have heard what I do not over-stand. Or is I mind deceived, and I soul dreaming? Therefore I entreat you to give your servant an explanation of this bewildering vision." He answered I and said, "Listen to I and I will inform you, and tell you about the things which you fear, for the Most High has revealed many secrets to you.  He has seen your righteous conduct that you have sorrowed continually for your people, and mourned greatly over Zion. This therefore is the meaning of the Vision. The woman who appeared to you a little while ago, whom you saw mourning and began to console, and now you do not see the form of a woman, but an established City has appeared to you As for her telling you about the misfortune of her son, this is the interpretation:

The woman whom you saw, whom you now behold as an Established City, is Zion. As for her telling you that she was barren for 30 years, it is because there were 3,000 years in the World before any offering was offered in it. After 3,000 years Soloman built the City, and offered offerings; then it was that the barren woman bore a son. As for her telling you that she brought him up with much care, that was the period of residence in Jah'rusalem. As for her saying to you, `When my son entered his wedding chamber he died,' and that misfortune had overtaken her that was the destruction, which befell Jah'rusalem. Behold, you saw her likeness, how she mourned for her son, and you began to console her for what had happened. Now the Most High, seeing that you are sincerely grieved and profoundly distressed for her, has shown you the brilliance of her glory, and the loveliness of her Beauty. Therefore I told you to remain in the field where no house had been built,

Revelation 3:7 And to the Angel of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things says he that is Holy, he that is True, he that has the Key of David that open, and no man close; and close and no man opene; I know your works: behold, I have set before thee an open Door, and no man can shut it: You have a little strength, and has kept I Word, and has not denied I name. Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do Lie; Behold, I will make them to come and serve before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Because you have kept the Word of I patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the World to try them that dwell upon the Earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold fast to that which you have that no man take your crown.