Immortal Olympic Gold.


(HISTORY) Of all the events in the modern Olympic track and field programme nothing invokes the Ancient games like the Discus. The image of the Ancient discus thrower, (or discobolus), has become synonymous with the Olympics, having frequently appeared on the official artwork prepared to promote Olympiads since the games were revived in the nineteenth-Century. The Discus has a very Ancient pedigree with aristocratic overtones; Odysseus, ragged and unrecognized on his long journey home, supposedly used his prowess as a discus thrower to prove his credentials as a true Greek and person of quality to his skeptical hosts.

Although it was not a major event in ancient Greek athletics, where it only existed as one of the elements of the pentathlon, it has a special place in modern Athletics as the only event with purely Hellenistic roots. Boxing, wrestling, running and equestrianism may have all been more important to the Greeks, but they shared them with many other Cultures; the Discus was theirs alone. Given this pedigree, it might be expected that it would be a favorite event of those Victorian and Edwardian historians of Ancient sport who did so much to promote the idea that the concept of the gentleman amateur sportsman had a lineage going back to Homeric Greece. However the 

12943429880?profile=RESIZE_710x exact opposite was the case; from John Pentland Mahaffy’s through to the end of H.A.Harris career a hundred years later. Ancient sports historians were unfailingly critical of the modern discus. They didn’t like the event, they didn’t like the techniques employed, and they didn’t like the composite wood and metal discus used in modern athletics.

Harold Arthur Harris was born in 1902. Educated at Oxford High School, he went on to study at Jesus College, Oxford. Here, he gained a first in Classical Moderations, becoming a senior scholar, and graduating with first class honors in English.

After graduation, Harris gained his teaching certificate, and in 1926 he was appointed Lecturer in Classics and English at St. David's College, Lampeter. In 1934, he was made Professor of Classics, taking responsibility for English during the Second World War. He remained in the post until his retirement in 1968.

(Spirit of Truth) Donald J Harris is the father of Kamala Harris, and is of African descent, from Jamaica. Her mother is Indian descent from India. In the Book of Esther the king empire was from India to Africa. Like Harold A Harris (who studied at Jesus, and St David's College). he too is a Professor.

The 2024 Olympics held in Paris, was destined to fulfil History, so that which is called Mystic Revelation can be revealed. It was held in a number 8-year, a number that represents Eternity and New Beginning. America who sat on top of the medal count, ends up at the bottom for there could only be one true Gold medal as it is written, in a race, it is many that run, yet it is only one that can take home the Prize, and it is the one that ran lawfully. (1Corinthians 9:24. Know that they who run in a race run all, but one receive the prize, even so run that you may attain. Every man that strive in the games exercise self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but I an incorruptible. I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air: But I discipline I body and keep it under control, lest after teaching others I myself should be disqualified).

12861748097?profile=RESIZE_400xThe Paris Olympics opened up hidden revelation that brings to light and fulfilment the Ancient and sinful practices of these games and the great harlot who is spiritually I (Lot) wife, Eve. She it is who rebelled against Adam, and refuse to give up the forbidden fruit (the big Apple) turning back into Sodom to become a  Pillar of Salt, and an Image of worship (Statue of Liberty). The opening and closing Ceremony of the Olympics testifies to those who are eye wittnesses, as it is written, The Beginning finds its fulfilment and judgment in the Ending. 

2 Peter 2. There arose false prophets also among the people, as among you also there shall be false teachers, who shall privately bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Creator that bought them, and bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Many shall follow their lascivious doings; by reason of whom the way of the Truth shall be evil spoken of. And in covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose sentence now from of old linger not, and their destruction slumber not. If the Creator spared not Angels when they sinned, but cast them down to Hell, and committed them to pits of darkness to be reserved unto Judgment; He spared not the Old World, when he brought a Flood upon the ungodly; 

12940276882?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) Adam (Jonah) became the sacrifice for original sin which allowed Eve to sit upon many water being delivered from the Flood when the Ark landed on the shores in what is called the New World, allowing her to find New Life in what is symbolic known as the Heavens. It is written that Adam should lay down his life to make Eve clean. (Ephesians 5. Adam, love Eve even as Cry'ist loved the New Jah'rusalem, and gave himself for her; that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water, (and the purification by fire), with the Word, so as to present her to himself a glorious Temple, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that she should be Holy and without blemish, even so should Adam love Eve.)

Although she was delivered from the Flood through love, she again turned back into the sins of Sodom, and so the second judgment by Fire has fallen upon her in the New World that has grown Old in sin. (2 Peter 2. The Creator turned the City of Sodom (now Gomorrah) into ashes condemned it with an overthrow, having made it an example unto those that should live ungodly after; He delivered righteous (Jonah) Lot, brought up from the Flood, who was sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked, and his wife who became a pillar of salt. That righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their lawless deeds: The Creator knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment unto the day of Judgment; chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of defilement, and despise dominion. Daring, self-willed, they tremble not to rail at the righteous: whereas Angels, though greater in might and power, bring not a railing judgment against them before the Creator.

These, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, they speak evil of the things that they over-stand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; They shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the daytime. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: a heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: who have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved unrighteousness; He was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb Ass speaking with man's voice forbade the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.

When they speak great swelling words of Vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, and much wantonness, those that were once made clean who had escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them Liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. If after they have escaped the pollutions of the World through the Knowledge of the Creator that came to them through Cry'ist who was in Jonah, they are again entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the Beginning. It had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the True proverb, the dog is turned to his vomit; and the Pig that was washed, back to her wallowing in the mud and mire. (The Lotus)

12908236459?profile=RESIZE_400x(Spirit of Truth) France is the birthplace of I surname, and she that was put away in the Book of Esther, (Vashti or Liberty) is Indo-French. She it is who rebelled against the king and gave herself to a Divided America, when George Washington accepted another man's wife by joining in her rebellion making her a Goddess to rule over the (forbidden fruit) City, Babylon the Great. It is she who stood over the fallen King after the Revolutionary War, with the motto, "death to tyrant". It is John the Baptist who told Herod that it was unlawful to have his brother Philip''s wife.

As it is written, rebellion was cast out of Heaven  (with those that upheld her behavior), down to Earth, and her Image that was cast down with her was worshipped by the merchants that made their riches through her. Jonah (who is the manifestation of Cry'ist and also Lot) was sent by the Creator to warn the City of the coming destruction and after the warning he left the City through the East Gate. It is the gate that Samson uprooted and took to the top of the Hill.

Judges 16:1 Samson went to Gaza, and there he saw a prostitute, and he went in to her. The Gazites were told, “Samson has come here.” And they surrounded the place and set an ambush for him in the night at the gate of the City. They kept quiet all night, saying, “Let us wait till the light of the morning; then we will kill him.” But Samson waited until midnight, then he arose and took hold of the doors of the gate, and the two posts of the City and pulled them up bar and all, put them on his shoulders and carried them to the top of the Hill in front of Hebron.

In the Sermon on Mount Zion, Cryist said you are the salt of the Earth and that a City set on a Hill cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:13 You are the Salt of the Earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything (pillar of Salt) except to be thrown out and trampled under foot. “You are the light of the World, a City set on a Hill cannot be hidden). It was told to Lot (Jonah) to come out of her, (Revelation 18) for the salt has lost its flavor, and the fire of Sodom will rekindle in her. Queen Esther, the Cousin of Mordechai, was chosen to replace Vashti the rebellious queen, who is now called to remembrance but is still found to be in rebellion. 

12908250694?profile=RESIZE_400xActs 19. Now after these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia to go to Jerusalem, saying, after I have been there, I must also see Rome. Having sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself stayed in Asia for a while. About that time there arose no small stir concerning the Way of the Truth.

A certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Diana, brought no little business unto the craftsmen; whom he gathered together, with the workmen of like occupation, and said, Sirs, you know that by this business we have our Wealth. And you see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul has persuaded and turned away much people, saying that they are no gods, that are made with hands: Not only is there danger that this our trade come to an end; but that the Temple of the great goddess Diana be made of no account, and that she should even be deposed from her magnificence whom all Asia and the World worship. "Liberty". 

When they heard this they were filled with wrath, and cried out, saying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians, so the City was filled with confusion: and they rushed with one accord into the Theatre, And those of the Asiarchs, being his friends, sent unto him and besought him not to adventure himself into the Theatre. And when the townclerk had quieted the multitude, he said, men of Ephesus, what man is there who know not that the City of the Ephesians (Babylon the Great N.Y.C) is temple-keeper of the great Diana, and of her Image which fell down from (Jupiter) Heaven?

(Spirit of Truth) The Gold Medal awarded to (son of Jupiter) Stona of Jamaica in the Discus sits above all other medals in the entire Olympics. It is the medal that is a Mystic Revelation to he who bears witness to the Truth that is hidden. On August 6th, 2024, Jamaica Celebrated her 62 Year of Independence. It was a numerical 8 Independence, in a numerical 8 year, and a numerical 8th Month found within the Angelic number 888. 3 x 8 = 24 which is 6, the Day that Independence falls on. (6 is I personal number). 8 is the number that represents Eternity, and Jamaica National Prayer begins by asking the Eternal Father to Bless His (Land) World. (Psalms 24).

Paul in Athens was advised not to enter into the Theatre, and within the Art (Stew-art), Independent Day is also the Earth-day of Earl “Chinna” Smith, known as the high priest of Reggae, who on the 26th of March 2024, (a numerical 8 Day in a 8 Year), visited I in Astoria. It was also the day that a cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Maryland. He came with a friend from Philadelphia who brought a video that we had made in 2006, a numerical 8 year also. His visit brought fulfilment to the Music within the Angelic number 888 also. The Ministry of the Holy Scripture is brought to fulfilment within the House of Peace, the Royal House of King David the Musician, out of which the Messianic Government (the Stone of Daniel) is born, revealed in the Book of Revelation.14.

12860993484?profile=RESIZE_400x (And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the Mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having the name of the Eternal Father written within the Nazarene Covenant. And I heard a voice from Heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a New song before the Throne, and before the four beasts, and the Elders: and no man could learn that song except the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the Earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he go. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto the Eternal and to the Lamb. In their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of the Eternal Father.

(Spirit of Truth) The opening Cermony of the Olympics was a mockery of the Final (Last) Supper of Cry'ist, and the betrayal of Truth, just as Samson was betrayed by Delilah, the daughter of desire. She became the prostitute that was  redeemed by Cry'ist when the Prophet Hosea was told to take back (Vashti), a woman that was put away, and whose betrayal is made manifest in Judas. Cry'ist also said that He came to save the one that was lost. 

Hosea 3:1 And the Creator said to I, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by other men and is an adulteress, even as the Creator loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods and love cakes of raisins.” So I took her back in love and said to her, “you must dwell with I. You shall not play the whore, or belong to any other man; so will I also be to you.” The children of Israel shall dwell many years without King or Prince, without sacrifice or pillar, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Creator their Eternal Father, and Saul their King, who is in the House of David the Musician. They shall come in fear to the Creator and to his goodness in the last Days.

Saint Francis (of Assisi) was named after that Country because at the time of his birth his father was in France, where I name originated. It is he who saw the crucified Cry'ist on Saint Matthias Day which is the date of I birth. Matthias replaced Judas, being chosen by lot, (Lot became his spiritual name) chosen to redeem his wife (Delilah, Liberty) she who became a Pillar of Salt. He is also the manifation of king Saul (of Ben'jah-min) who in repentance became Paul, who was found in the house of Judas when his sight was restored to him. Acts 9. Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias. The Creator said to him in a vision, rise and go to the street called straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying, and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.

(Acts 1:21. Therefore it is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time Jah'sus was living among us, beginning from John’s baptism to the time when He was taken up from us. There must be one amongst us who must also become a witness of his Resurrection.” So they nominated two men: Joseph known also as Justus and Matthias. Then they prayed, “Lord, you know the heart of every man, show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry, which Judas left to go where he belong.” Then they cast lots, and the Lot fell on (Saul) Matthias; whom they added to the eleven Apostles.

12944152678?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) Matthias whom they added to the Eleven, is the twelfth son   (Ben'jah-min) He it is that was caught up at birth to escape the defilement of (Liberty) she who became the pillar of salt, and sits upon an eleven pointed stars that is trampled under her feet, having imprisoned them in her tomb.

1972 is the year that the Museum of Immigration was opened within her Foundation, and is the year of I spiritual birth (as a Cockatrice) within her City, and was caught up to escape her spell, and was given the title the king of serpent.

Matthias took the Ministry to Ethiopia where he became a martyr. (it is the Ethiopian that told Joab to let him run and tell the King that his son Absalom, died on the Oak Tree 2 Samuel 18) The Movie Hercules (that portrays Samson) revolves around Ja'son and the Golden Fleece of a Ram, which is the constellation Aries, (the Planet Mars, and the God of War). Aries is First, and is the first woman given to I through the physical Law of marriage. She comes through Jamaica, and her Christian name Evelyn, (derives from the word "Eve", and means first woman)

Jason went in search of the Golden fleece and returned from exile to reclaim his Eternal Father’s Kingdom by entering the City as the man wearing one sandal. The one sandal man is a spiritual manifestation of the mighty Angel in Revelation, who had one foot on the Land, and one in the Sea. Revelation 10. Then I saw another mighty Angel coming down from Heaven, wrapped in a Cloud, with a Rainbow over his head, and his face was like the Sun, and his legs like pillars of fire. He had a little Scroll open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the Sea, and his left foot on the Land, and called out with a loud voice, like a Lion roaring. When he called out, the Seven thunders sounded. 12930665479?profile=RESIZE_400x

Roje Stona winning throw in the Discus was exactly 70.00 (a numerical 7 and is I Universal number). Roje is also the name of a village in Poland where Ackera Nugent recently won the 100 Meter hurdles in the Diamond League that took place there, just after the Olympics. (If you should add a tail to the letter P in Poland, the P becomes R, and can be spelt Roland, Arnold or Ronald, which is I given Christian name that means 'Strong Judgment").

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Stona with the vowel e, replacing the a, at the end, becomes a Stone. It is Daniel who saw the Stone (King-Stone, Capital of Jamaica) that smashes the feet of the Golden Image of Babylon the Great, and brought down the final World Empire that was given authority over the Earth. I and I have come full Circle, 360 Degree.

The Authority of all earthly Governments will be removed and given into the hands of the Eternal Father and his Righteous Government when the Angel begin to blow the 7th Trumpet. (Revelation 11:15, The seventh Angel sounded; and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, The Queendom of this World are become the Kingdoms of the Eternal Father who shall reign for ever and ever. The Nations were angry, and His wrath is come. The time has come for the dead that they should be judged, and that He should give reward unto His servants the Prophets, and to the Saints, and them that fear His name, small and great; and to Destroy them which destroy the Earth, and there were Lightnings, and voices of Thunder, Fire, and an Earthquake that brought silence to the entire Earth along with great Hail.).

Ackera Nugent went from Poland to Rome and repeated herself by winning the Diamond League with a time of 12.24. This time is a spiritual manifestation in the Book of Samuel and Exodus. (2 Samuel 12:24 Then David comforted Bathsheba, and went in to her, and she bore a son, whom he named Soloman, and he was loved by the Creator). 12906897457?profile=RESIZE_584xExodus 12:23-24. The Creator will pass through to strike the Egyptians, and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorpost, the Creator will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to strike you. 24. You shall observe this rite as a statute for you and for your sons forever.

The Earth-day of Roje Stona is February 26th the same date as I spiritual brother Vernon Hinds whom the spirit used (like a John the Baptist) to bring I to Astoria Queens, which has the largest population of Greeks in America outside of Greece, and is the fourth Community that I was brought to by the spirit.

The Prophet Habakkuk who is given a Tower, address his prayer to the chief musician, and said that the Creator will make his feet to be like that of the hind, (which is a surefooted deer). The leader of the group Steel Pulse is David Hinds.

(Habakkuk 3 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in I Creator, I will joy in I Salvation. The Creator is I strength, He will make I feet like hinds' feet, He will make I to walk upon the high places. To the Chief Musician on I stringed instruments).

12345624266?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) Wherever the Spirit of the Creator is found, the spirit of Evil also presents itself. This is why Evil have invaded the Island of Jamaica where the people have likened their Community spiritually to Gaza, and like Gaza in the middle East (where Samson's eyes were gorgue out), they have turned the Peaceful Revolution (that comes through Music) into prostitution and a war zone of violence. 

(History). Samson was betrayed by his lover Delilah who was sent by Philistine officials to entice him, to reveal his strength, then she cut his Lox while he slept, and turned him over to (the Philistines), Babylon the Great, who gouge out his eyes and force him to become a slave in the grain mill at Gaza, this is also a Messianic.

(Spirit of Truth) The woman that waited for Vibes Cartel (from Gaza) to be set free from prison comes from Turkey, a people whose origin is Indo-European descent. Delilah even though she was remorseful still cherish jealousy, and it is very mystic that Cartel lover had faith that he would have been set free.

Samson was let out from prison as a distraction to be made a spectacle and an amusement in the Arena for financal gain. He was no more a threat because his eyes were put out to be lead like a sheep to the slaughter. As in the Olympics, Delilah is being used by the spirit of darkness to guide him into the Theatre in order to bring down the House of (entertainment) sin upon the people that is kept blinded and trapped by Rome in the behavior of the Sodomites. Samson sight will be restored when he is brought out of the darkness of his desires so that his gaze upon Gaza will melt the heathen like wax in the fire.

Sixth Vision of Esdras. The man who rose up out of the Ocean and flew to the top of Mount Zion, is strengthened by Mother Nature to remove the Pillars of the Earth with the energy of the Earth throbbing quake that once sank most of the City of Port Royal beneath the Ocean in Jamaica known as the wickedest City at the time, and is the Atlantis of the New World. This  judgment was sent as a modern day warning to the World, that the Creator will remove the blindness placed upon all Israel where sin become (Carnival) entertainment for financial gain (by those who govern over Sodom) in order to trap an impoverished people who had escaped their pollution. (2 Peter 3. When they speak great swelling words of Vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, and much wantonness, those that were once made clean who had escaped from them who live in error. While they promise the people financial Liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought back into bondage).

12940383279?profile=RESIZE_584xDelilah becomes the Thanksgiving Turkey of the blind in order to undermine the Music of the Revolution, "One Love". The largest Reggae Music Festival in the World is not held in Jamaica, but in Spain, Rot-o-tom (a Spanish speaking Nation) In the 2024 Reggae University reasoning this year, (picture below) it is the children of Babylon that are the ones beating the drums of freedom, while the children born into slavery in Jamaica (where the Music of the liberation has its birth), is following behind Dance Hall with its immoral and sodomite behavior.

When Europeans took possession of the Continent they coveted from the peaceful Native Inhabitants who welcomed them (after they were delivered from the Flood) they celebrated their conquest with Thanksgiving, (food offered to their sins). It is a celebration void of Love, and is shown in their Motto which is "One Out Of Many", while Jamaica Motto is "Out Of Many One People". Instead of giving up their crimes, a Presidental Pardon is given to a white (supremacy) turkey every Thanksgiving, and it is set free to live out the rest of its life in complete freedom.

The only freedom given to the descendants of slaves, and the rest of the society is a Day from their labor, "Labor Day", (that is celebrated on Eastern Parkway on the first Black Monday in September) so the people can revel in the sins of Sodom, while the Sodomites that call themselves Gods chosen people, stay in their houses and pray, while the priest pass their sins onto the people made blind by them so they become their scapegoat. At the end of the Labor Day celebration the sanitation trucks follow in the rear sweeping up the spirit of the unclean that is seen as the garbage of the Earth to be placed in a landfill that is as high as the Cliff that the scapegoat is taken to be thrown off.

(History) The (Labor Day) scapegoat is one of a pair of goats that is released into the wilderness, taking with it all sins and impurities, while the other is sacrificed. The Kohen Gadol left the Holy and walked to the East side of the courtyard, he rest his hands on the goat and confessed the sins of the entire people onto those who are  the scapegoat. While he make a general confession, individuals at the Temple would confess privately. The Priest then send the goat off to the wilderness. To prevent its return the goat is led to a cliff outside Jerusalem and push off its edge.

12895801860?profile=RESIZE_400x(Spirit of Truth) It is Isaiah who cries out that the scape goat will now be free from its Labor when Sodom, Babylon the Great is paid double for all her sins (Isaiah 40. Comfort the people, says the Creator. speak comfortably to Jah'rusalem; and cry unto her, that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received of her Creator’s hand double for all her sins. The voice of one that cries, Prepare in the Wilderness the way of Creator; make level in the desert a highway. Every valley shall be exalted, and every Mountain and Hill shall be made low; The uneven shall be made level, and the rough places a plain: the glory of the Creator shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; His mouth has spoken it.

The Peace of the Earth will rise up out of the Musical Revolution that is born in Jamaica, where the Judgment of the Just will put an end to all of their Thanksgiving slaughter of the people whom they have kept blinded by the angels in Sodom so they are unable to remove the veil that have kept them from finding Rest from their Labor (Day) defilement, manifested in spiritual Gaza, and the slaughter in physical Gaza and around the entire Earth. Samson vision is restored because he has been granted true Wisdom from Above to not fall into deceptive Love where bitter is called sweet and sweet bitter. He will again sit as Judge in judgment against the sin of conflict and confusion, caused by rebellion and arrogance. 

Esther 1:9. Vashti the Queen also made a thanksgiving feast for the women in the Royal House which belonged to the King. On the 7th Day, when the heart of the King was merry with wine, he Commanded the 7 Chamberlains that served in his presence, to bring Vashti the queen before him with the crown royal, to show the people and the princes her beauty: But queen Vashti refused to come at the King's Commandment therefore was the King very wroth, and his anger burned like fire in him. The King then said to the wise men who knew the times, this was the King's procedure toward all who were versed in Law and Judgment, the seven princes of Persia and Media, who saw the King's face, and sat first in the Kingdom:

“According to the Law, what is to be done to Queen Vashti, because she has not performed the command of the King that was delivered by the Eunuch” Then Memucan said in the presence of the King and the officials, “Not only against the King has Queen Vashti done wrong, but also against all the officials and all the peoples who are in all the Provinces of the King. The queen's behavior will be made known to all women, causing them to look at their husbands with contempt, since they will say, ‘the King commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, and she did not come.’ This very day the noble women of Persia and Media who have heard of the queen's behavior will say the same to all the king's officials, and there will be contempt and wrath in plenty.

If it please the king, let a Royal order go out from him, and let it be written among the Laws that it may not be repealed, that Vashti is never again to come before King. And let the king give her royal position to another who is better than she. So that when the decree made by the king is proclaimed throughout the Kingdom of the World, for it is vast, all women will give honor to their husbands, high and low alike.” This advice pleased the King and Princes, and the King did as was proposed. He sent letters to all the royal provinces, to every Province in its own script and to every people in their own language, that every man be head in his own household.

(Spirit of Truth) In Act 8: Philip was told to arise and go toward the South the way that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza where he met the Ethiopian Eunuch who came to Jah'rusalem to give praises, only to find that a rebellious queen has caused death and destruction in Gaza at the hands of those that are the children of evil who claim to belong to Mount Zion, and is found to be the children of Lie. It is written that Evil knows that their time is at hand, and have gone down to the Earth in great wrath. Samson whose eyes was put out in Gaza, caused by the betrayal of Delilah who gave herself to the service of those who are the gods of weapons of destruction, and who worship her as a Liberator and offer up Thanksgiving sacrifice to her.

When King George III lost the Revolutionary War in America, (the Republic was replaced by Democracy) he also lost his sanity (manifested in King Nebuchadnezzar), and like Samson, he became blind, so was Alexander Bustamante the first Prime Minister of Jamaica, manifested in Saul who became Paul. Jamaica is the Center of the Earth, and represents the New Israel and is the Foundation Stone from which the Righteous Government that Daniel saw will be resurrected. It is a Government that will rise up out of a people that was persecuted by the man who was himself persecuted, (Alexander Bustamante) after his sight was restored and he was chosen and sent to defend them and is made manifest in King Saul, (tribe of Ben'jah-min) who became Paul when his sight was restored.

(Acts 9. Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the chosen of the Creator, he went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jah'rusalem. As he went on his way and approached Damascus, suddenly a light from Heaven shone around him. Falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting I?” And he said, “Who are you?” The voice answered and said, “I am Jah'sus, whom you are persecuting. Rise and enter the City, and you will be told what you are to do.” The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seeing no one. Saul rose from the ground, and although his eyes were opened, he saw nothing. So they led him by the hand and brought him into Damascus.

For three days he was without sight, neither ate nor drank. There was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias, and the Creator said to him in a vision, Ananias, he answered, “Here I am, Lord.” The Creator said to him, rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus (Jonah) named Saul, for behold, he is praying, and he has seen in a Vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that he might regain his sight.” Ananias answered, “O Lord I Creator, I have heard from many about this man, how much wrong he has done to your saints at Jah'rusalem. He have been given (Colonial Authority)  authority from the chief priests to bind all who held faith in the Promise of Abram.”

The Creator said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of I to take the hidden Truth before the Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of I Name.” Ananias departed and entered the house and laying his hands on him he said, “brother Saul, Jah'sus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent I so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” And immediately something like the scales from a fish fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized (as the Ethiopian Eunuch was), and taking food, he was strengthened. 

12861815875?profile=RESIZE_710xJamaica will be  delivered from all Evil powers through her National Prayer, for he who is First is resurrected (the Cockatrice), to be Last, born of the Serpent root, in order to liberate the descendant of slaves and the oppressed people found in the four corners of the Earth. It is written that every knee will bow, every tongue will confess.

Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not Babylon the Great, because the rod of him that smote you is broken: Out of the serpent's root shall come a Cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. The firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant. 

Howl, O Gate; cry, O City; you Babylon the Great is dissolved: There shall come a smoke from the four corners of the Earth, and none shall be afraid in his appointed time. What shall one then answer the messenger of the Nation? The Creator has founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in his Law. (KJV)

The first King in Israel, Saul (Tribe of Ben'jah-min, and a manifestation of Nebuchadnezzar), who in his repentance became the Apostle Paul (Absalom) the defender of the poor found in poverty, a people he once persecuted. This is fulfilled in the first Prime Minister of Jamaica, Alexander Bustamante, (Tribe of Ben'jah-min)  he who is given resurrection within I, who shares the same Earth-day. It is I who bear the wounds on the battlefield (not those who claim to be persecuted) that many claim to be fighting on, yet their military uniform look as new as when they first put it on. They have no scars or wounds to justify that they are on a battlefield, they are just empty barrels making a lot of noise.

The war that they are fighting is against themselves, while still judging the dead even when he is alive and sent in theirs defense because of their blindnes caused by Delilah. It is I the defender of captive Israel who is standing alone in the Wilderness. It is written action speak louder than words. I wounds bears testiomony to the battle I have been fighting, a battle that everyone is afraid to take up because of the suffering, yet they choose to fight against things they know not about. As written, Old wine is given New wineskin. There are those amongst the living, who is sitting in the seat of judgment to judge the dead for what they did, or said to have done.

12942246255?profile=RESIZE_584xThese are the people who prefer not to see reality or the problem confronting them, rather they live in the past, and is judging the dead for crimes committed against others decades ago. There is 366 Days in a leap year, yet they see only one day as being a bad day, for which Bustamante (Saul) is blamed, bad Friday. Yet it is Bustamante who stood up for the masses at Frome (Rome) Sugar Factory on what is also called bad Monday, but they are unable to see.

The greatest bad Friday in History is the crucifiction of (Cry'ist) Truth, which is called good, and is denied by the many. Those responsible for his death have betrayed, killed and enslaved millions of people which continue to this very Day. I would like to ask the people that dwell in past History, which Day of the Week can be called good, apart from Mother Nature when she shows mercy to sinners, and allow them to enjoy her blessings.

Unless you have blinded yourself to the reality that there is Evil taking place on Earth seven Days a week, then you are in compliance with it. The people who are about their personal desire, cares nothing about the suffering of the Earth only themselves, as if the Earth and all that it possess does not belong to a single Creator, and not to man of any race or color! Present reality exists in obscurity while dwelling in past History that cannot help the living is being glorified!

Every year they glorify 9/11 as if it is present reality, while ignoring that there is 9/11 everyday, where the living is dying at the hands of man who is dictating life on Earth, while families are homeless and starving, and working people can barely survive because man choose to make himself lords of the Land that he too must leave when his time comes. The people who claim to be educated have mental problem because they sit down and listen to politicians who also boast of their education and whose ambition is to rule over others in order to enrich themselves while promising the people (Liberty), a better life, yet their own is about to expire in the Judgment seat of the Just.

They pass judgment upon their own children in their court of law, trying them as adult when they commit acts of violence that take life, while they refuse to rid the Earth of weapons of destruction and death. In order to justify their own failure as adults, they pass their sins upon their children as the scapegoats. Yet these children is able to go on YouTube (who after nearly two decade they and Facebook decide to remove I from the platform that they believe is theirs, claiming they are protectng the community) and watch sex and violence and see adults slaughter thousands of innocent women and children in wars and does it without accountability or any court to try them. Theirs actions are justified, while their own children who can watch theirs behavior is tried as adult, and given life in jail!

12942432895?profile=RESIZE_584xThe dead that is brought to life cannot be judged by the living who have not yet died, for the wages of sin is death, and all have sinned and come short of Eternal Life. As it is written "It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgment. He that has died is already judged.

Judgment is upon those who have not yet died or is conscious of (death) a past that is brought to life through the spirit of Cry'ist, and who have not taken part in the first resurrection, that of Lazarus. The World that is called the living dead, and who  continue living in their sins, there will be no coming back from the second death. Those that find life will live, while those bound for death a second time will die, it is they who have brought it upon themselves.

We are at the Earth's final Cycle that will bring about New Heaven and Earth. The ministers and religious leaders who claim to be the spiritual guide of the people is responsible for their own life. There is but one Judge and it is He who is the Creator of all Life, spoken of in the 24th Psalms. This is the Wisdom that is granted from Above, as written in the National Prayer of Jamaican. (The Earth belongs to its Creator and everything that is within it; the World, and they that dwell therein. He has founded it upon the Seas, and established it upon the Floods. Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Creator? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place? He that has Clean hands, and is undifiled in Heart; who has not lifted up his Soul unto Vanity, nor sworn deceitfully).

Romans 8. All things work together for good to him that Love the Eternal Father, to him who is called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His son, that he might be firstborn of the resurrection among many brethren. Moreover whom He did predestined, him He also called: and whom He called, him He also justified: and whom He justified, him He glorified. What shall we then say to these things? If the Eternal Father be with I, who can be against I? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for the World, how shall He not with him also freely give I all things? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of the elect? It is the Eternal Father that justify. Who is he that condemn? It is Truth (Cry'ist) that died, rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of the Eternal, who also make intercession for I.

Who shall separate I from the love of Cry'ist? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, for His sake, Truth is killed every Day; It is accounted as sheep for the slaughter. In all these things I and I is made a conqueror through Him that loved I. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate I from the love of the Eternal Father, which is in Cry'ist the upholder of Justice and Truth.

12865204054?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) Moses and Joshua, is a manifestation of Bustamante and Manley, who is made one in spirit within I. The difference between the name Marley, and Manley is R and N which is I initals Ronald Nugent, one who is able to clasp both hands in Love and uphold the National Prayer of the Island that the people has trampled upon in total disrespect, and have invited in the Evil powers that they ask the Creator to be kept free of.

Why is the National Prayer not sung in the Churches when they gather for their devotional services? Why is it that those who claim to uphold Culture, does not have the Nation Prayer as part of their chant when they gather to beat the drums of freedom? The Creator lives in man, not outside of man, this is the begining of wisdom. Why is the National Prayer not recited in the schools before they begin their studies, for education comes out of wisdom?

In the House of Parliament, (those who claim to stand up for the wellfare of the Country, and the World), why is the National Prayer not the first thing  that is recited before you begin your deliberation that is only of confusion. How do you expect the people to recite the verse (to our leaders great defenders)" when the leaders lack wisdom, because everyone is seeking their own personal interest? If there is disrespect (within Church and State, Culture and Education) for the National (Anthem) Prayer given to Jamaica through Devine Inspiration of Wisdom and Love, why should you have any expectation for the Country, and to be the example of the Caribbean that look up to you, and the World that is watching you?

Romans 9-10: I speak the Truth in Cry'ist, I lie not, I conscience also bearing I witness in the Holy Spirit. I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in I heart, for I could wish that I self were accursed from the Truth for the people, I kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites; to whom pertain the adoption and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of the Creator, and the promises; Whose are the Fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh (Cry'ist) Truth came, who is over all, Eternally blessed for ever. (10). People, I heart's desire and prayer to the Creator for Israel is that they will be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal for Truth, yet not according to knowledge. They being ignorant of the Creator's Righteousness, have gone about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of their Creator, which is the Truth that is found in Cry'ist when he gave the Sermon on Mount Zion! This is the End of the Law for Righteousness to every one that believe.

12865240691?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) To I sisters and she who call herself queen Ifrica, which is a title that you cannot claim, it has to be earned and given to you. To desire this title you need to stop from being luke warm. I have listened to you, and I find that you have a zeal for Truth yet not according to true knowledg of the Creator ways, He who is above all flesh. You need to also learn in silence. 

In humility as man, I heart is heavy, for I find that I sisters of all Nationality are left without true spiritual guidance that should come from brothers. I find that spiritually sisters have been standing on their own because brothers have become weak, slave of the material, unable to judge, and have allowed the ungodly to become a judge over their household.

As written of Samson in the Book of Judges, those that were under the Nazarene Vow, have disrespected their own image, and have made it become fashionable even though they claim to take pride in their Lox, they are still being shaven by Delilah spirit. They have returned to her bed of whoredom to drink the wine of her fornication, while condemning their young sister (Koffee) who have entered into the house of the Sodomites innocently because of her musical talent, while those who should have guide and protect her is themselves in bed with the prostitute because of Vanity and the reward offered to them by the sodomites who use finance as a temptation.

Because they were never true examples to guide the younger sisters in truth, when they become prey to those who offer them the bright lights of their big City, you turn around claiming that you are burning a fire on their innocence, and does not see that you are in the midst of the fire. 12944261654?profile=RESIZE_400xWhen you the older sisters speak, do so in humility and without defilement, and you will gain respect. Strive for perfection even in an imperfect World. The Truth found in Cry'ist whom you reject did not deceive you, He has always been your teacher, and spiritual husband, (your material desires became your true pain that have led you to choose education over love, found in wisdom, even though you claim to give praises to Cry'ist in your Churches which becomes lip service) With Cry'ist you cannot continue blaming man (Adam) for not being True to you if you are not faithful to your own self.

In order to speak of humbleness, one must first examine self to see if they are themself humble. You are not Truth that others should follow, for Adam already followed behind Eve into the darkness we now live in, and if he is still following behind her, its because he cannot rise up from the flesh that you are promoting as a temptation, then complain. In this the second Judgment, for you to desire resurrected Adam (which is in Cry'ist) to again follow behind you, then claim to be innocent and humble, is to live a lie. You can only become a servant of Truth, and for a woman to be strong in order to set an example for the younger sisters, they should make sure that they carry themselves in the manner that befits a true queen, and not adorn themselves in the attire and image of the whore one day, and carry themselves in the attire of a righteous woman the next day.

Truth cannot eat of the tree of good and evil and not live without having a confused mind. There cannot be compromise in ones image, espically a woman, who wear the title of being called a virgin. He who creates your inside also creates your outside, and everyone conscience will be their judge, which many have alread burned in the fire of purification to become arrogant as the slave master and mistress who are offended in Truth. To uphold spiritual purity, one should never entertain words that are of defilement on their lips and beleive it to be part of any Culture, it is not. It is part of the unclean spirits that defile the body and there is no justification or explanation for such behavior.

To be born again is to shed all the things that defile the spirit, yet one can only ask forgiveness of the Creator for physical defilement that should keep everyone humble, for unless you are able to live as the Animal Kingdom that is free of physical defilement, (Money), it is impossible to set yourself free. The World is held captive by the mark of the spirit of the unclean (Money) that is offered to you as a liberator, for it is the invention of Caesar, and unless you have escape its defilement through sacrifice, (in upholding the Commandments), you are bound to pay tribute until you are set free from the authority of this World that was given into the hands of sinners. Money is to be used and not loved, but then education is being used to teach the opposite.

You claim to suffer from a lack of being loved, yet you have made (Idol) money to be your first love, and to love another person it has to be about possessiveness and ownership that have made many women turn to loving dogs who will be obedient to walk around on a leash like a slave, while you refuse to be obedient to Truth. The spiritual strength that is found within I comes from I Mother, of whom Paul spoke when he laid his hands on I to baptize I, and gave I the name Timothy, and was sent as a soldier on the battlefield for he knew that I came out of a military family. It Paul who spiritually baptized I in Saint Margarets Bay Portland, (Jamaica) by the Rio Grande River.

Let I share with you what took place on (good) Monday August the 26th, 2024 the Earth-day of I Mother Israel. I went to visit her resting place, this being five years since she was given wings to fly away to her place of waiting. It is a very quiet place with many trees, one being next to where she is laid. As my brother and I started to clean the weeds that grew around the flowers, a flock of about twelve or more Parakeets

12941660501?profile=RESIZE_400x out of nowhere came and landed in the tree, and for about ten minutes they made such a loud noise non-stop, then suddenly they all became silent, and just as they came they flew away. It was as if Angels in Jah army came to communicate on her Earth-day the moment and time that we were there.  I decided to look up parakeet to learn more about their behavior, and found that their name is aso used in the military, that made this more mystic. (The praying hands that I place in the picture is her art work).

(Parakeet is an Australian Army mobile battlefield communication system. It was introduced into service in the mid-1990s through project JP65. Parakeet was considered (at the time) advanced military communications. This include secure voice and data trunking services. It is operated by Royal Australian Corp Signals personnel).

2 Timothy 1: Paul, an Apostle of Cry'ist by the will of the Creator, according to the promise of Life which is in the Truth: To Timothy, I dearly beloved son: Grace, mercy, and peace, from the Eternal Father and Cry'ist who is the Way, Truth and Life. I thank the Creator whom I serve from I forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of you in I prayers Night and Day, greatly desiring to see you, being mindful of your tears, that I may be filled with joy; When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother, and your Mother Muriel; and I am persuaded in you also. Wherefore I put you in remembrance that you stir up the gift of the Creator which is in you by the laying on of I hands. The Creator have not given you the Spirit of Fear; but of Power, and Love, and of a sound mind. Acts 16:1. I Paul came to Derbe and to Lystra where I found Timothy, the son of a Jewish mother and a believer, but his father was a Greek.

2 Timothy 4:1 I charge you therefore before the Creator, and the spirit of Cry'ist within you who shall judge the quick and the dead at His appearing and his Kingdom; teach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from Truth, and shall be turned unto fables. I am now ready to be offered, and the time of I departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for I a crown of righteousness, which the Creator, the Righteous Judge, shall give I at that Day: and not to I only, but unto all them that love his appearing.

Alexander the coppersmith did I much evil: the Creator reward him according to his works: Of whom be you careful also; for he has greatly withstood our words. At I first stance no man stood with I, all men forsook I: I pray that it may not be laid to their charge. Notwithstanding the Creator stood with I, and strengthened I; that through I the Truth can be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the lion's mouth. The Creator shall deliver I from every evil work, and will preserve I unto His Heavenly Kingdom to come on Earth: to whom be Glory for ever and ever.

2 Timothy 2: Endure hardness, as a good Soldier of the Truth found in Cry'ist. No soldier on the battlefield entangle himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier. If a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. Remember that Jah'sus Cry'ist of the seed of David is raised from the dead according to Truth: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the Word of the Creator is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the Elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the Salvation which is in Cry'ist with Eternal glory.10970337896?profile=RESIZE_584x

12862266457?profile=RESIZE_400x(Spirit of Truth) The closing Cermony of the Olympics depicts the headless body of a woman with wings. Mary Stewart, was Queen of France, Scotland, England and Ireland. Her cousin Elizabeth II had her beheaded after she was imprisoned for 19 years.

She that gave I birth (in the year of the water dragon)  Muriel (Mary)  Stewart, is born having the Angelic number 888. She was taken up to a place of rest on the wings of doves in Queens Village on (Flag Day) June 14th 2019. (Revelation 12 There appeared another wonder in Heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon its head. And his tail drew the third part of the Stars of Heaven, and did cast them to the Earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. Daniel 8:9 And out of one of them came a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the South, and toward the East, and toward the glorious Land. It waxed great, even to the host of Heaven; and some of the host and of the Stars it cast down to the ground, and trampled upon them. (Star Spangle Banner)

Isaiah 14:6 How have you fallen from Heaven. You have been cut down to the ground, that did lay low the Nations! You said in your heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I (Liberty) will exalt my throne above the stars of the Creator; and I will sit upon the Mount of congregation, in the uttermost parts of the North; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit. They that see you shall gaze at you, they shall consider you, saying, Is this the Nation that made the Earth to tremble, that did shake Kingdoms; that made the World as a wilderness, and overthrew the Cities thereof; that let not loose their prisoners to their home? All the kings of the Nations, all of them, sleep in glory, every one in his own house. But you shall be cast away from your sepulchre like an abominable branch, clothed with the slain, that are thrust through with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a dead body trodden under foot.

12882856289?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) 2019 was the year of the Pandemic (plague) which also brought to fulfilment 400 years of slavery fulfilled in James Town Virginia. This year 2024 (a number 8 year) is five years since grace have been granted to the people in order for them to change their behavior, yet the pandemic only made the people become worse. The period of grace is coming an end where love, mercy and forgiveness, will be withdrawn from the Earth.

The Earth and its people will reap that which they sow and no Church, Religion, Culture or Political party will be able to protect anyone. The people that have never been shown love, mercy or forgiveness will now be liberated from the oppression of Evil, and destruction. Scattered Israel in the four corners of the Earth has its gathering in Jamaica, the Island of Unification. "Out Of Many One People"

Esdras: The World and the people in it are doomed. The War that will bring their destruction is very near. Nations will arm themselves and fight against other Nations. There will be great political turmoil, with one group trying to overpower another to gain  control, while ignoring the legitimate Government that Daniel saw. There will no longer be free access to the Cities, the struggle for power will bring destruction, terror, and total confusion wherever people live. The Creator says, “I am calling together all the (Colonizers) kings of the Earth to come from North, South, East, and West to turn back and restore what they have taken. I will pay them back with the same harsh treatment they have always given to I chosen people.” The Creator says, “I will use I Power, and there will be no mercy for sinners; I will put to death all who have murdered innocent people. I anger has become so fierce that fire has blazed out to burn up the foundations of the Earth and to burn up sinners like straw. Sinners who have not keep I Commandment are doomed,” says the Creator. “I will have no mercy on them! Out of I sight, you rebels! Do not defile I Holy Temple.”

(Spirit of Truth) The people that have created Gaza in Jamaica, none of them knows what it is like to live in the real Gaza in the Middle East, or in Sudan that would leave them crying out for mercy and deliverance. Instead they are all lead by the vanities of their western oppressors and is at war with themselves over it. It is said that if America sneeze Jamaica catches their cold. The Election in America has brought the Earth back to the Begining where Adam and Eve is fulfilled in the Republician and Democrat. The end is about to come upon those who is exposing their disease to the World. It is written to Timothy, that the woman should not seek authority over the man, this will bring about the blowing of the 7th Trump-et.

The time has come to Destroy those that are destroying the Earth, along with its leaders whose job it is to uphold this final World Power for their selfish ambitions. As one that is born from a Military family, I stand in defence with all those fighting to remove the yoke of oppression from their necks. There are soldiers on the battlefield in this Revolution of the Just, and who are willing to lay down their weapons when the right time come, they will be protected against their oppressiors. Righteous resistance is upheld by the Creator who is about to rid the Earth of the two Evil responsible for the spiritual and physical death of Life on this Planet. These two Evil are symbolic of sheep and goat, and both will be blotted out from the people's memory, they will be made void.

They are not of the D-evil, rather they are both husband and wife of (sin) Evil. One acts with physical authority (weapons of destruction) and is the husband of she who acts with spiritual authority, (world Bank), the wife. Because she acts as the sheep (Liberty) she is able to deceive all Nation and bring them under her spell to drink her poison of death. The earthly army from which I (Absalom) was physically born, is justified when standing in the defence of the helpless and poor, in order to protect them from their own leaders, who are willing to betray and sacrifice them for their own personal gain.

2 Samuel 15. Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way of the Gate, and when any man had a dispute and came before the King for Judgment, Absalom would call to him and say, “From what City are you?” And when he said, “Your servant is of such and such a Tribe in Israel,” Absalom would say to him, “See, your claims are good and right, but there is no man designated by the king to hear you.” Then Absalom would say, “Oh that I were made Judge in the Land! Then every man with a dispute or cause might come to I, and I would give him Justice.” And whenever a man came near to pay homage, he would put out his hand and embrace him. This is how Absalom treated all of Israel who came to his father the king for judgment. (Out of the Serpent root shall come forth a Cockatrice) So the hearts of the men of Israel turned to Absalom. It came to pass at the end of forty years, that Absalom said unto the king, I pray to let I go and pay I vow, which I have made as a Nazarine unto the Creator in Hebron. For your servant made a vow while I abode at Geshur in Syria, saying, if the Creator shall indeed bring I again to Jah'rusalem, then I will serve Him. And the king said unto him, Go in peace. So he arose, and went to Hebron.

12877958873?profile=RESIZE_710x(Spirit of Truth) As head of I army I had to set an example by putting down I weapon in order to liberate I name, for it is when I am weak that I am truly strong to be made fearless amongst all the army of man. The weapons that is given to I is now exhaulted in the Heaven above and the Earth below.

The Devil have been made one with Cry'ist, (Sheep and Goat), so that I two hands can be clasped together as one in Prayer, (Your KIngdom Come, Your Will Be Done On Earth As In Creation). I have been brought up from the depth of Hell (Jonah) with the weapons of ultimate destruction from below, Earthquake, Tsunami and Volcano.

I left hand is now joined to I right hands which is no more crippled, and is Cry'ist, He who comes down from above with weapons fashioned by the Tornadoes, Lightening, Hurricane and the Thunder whose sound will rupture the eardrums of those who refuse to listen. Those who have eyes yet  refuse to see, they will be blinded by the brightness of the Sun, and hail-stone (comet) will rain down upon murders and thieves when Justice is given to Indian Chief Met-a-Comet (King Philip), the son of the Great Chief Massoit, whose vow became his Honor, when he decided (at their first Thanksgiving) never to make war upon the trespassers, those who would covet and eventually take full possession of the Land (to make themselves the sole landlord) a vow that he kept to his grave.

It is a vow that his son Met-a-comet (Absalom) refuse to keep when he saw that his people was becoming homeless in the Land of his Ancestors, who in resurrection has asked his Creator to restore the Land so he can honor his fathers vow that he made to him. I am speaking a language that can only be overstood by those whose spiritual eyes have been opened, and not to those who pride themselves in their education, who claim to know, yet know nothing, but are educated fools lead by the poli-tricks of sinful (Adam and Eve) man and woman.

It is Peter Tosh who sang “everyone is talking about Crime, tell I who are the Criminals. The worse criminals are those who create other criminals, and pay the law created by them to rid the society of the criminals they create. Because of their corrupted financial wealth, power and influence, they are protected by their man-made rules that they have placed above the Living Law of Life.

They sit in judgment against those that are more just than they, while upholding their power and authority with their military might, and those who claim to be the religious leaders keep silent in their ministery because they all benefit financially. 2024 represents 5 years that the Creator have showed his Grace to the Nation since the great pandemic of 2019, and it is Habakkuk who proclaim 5 Woes upon the Land after questioning his Creator about those who are given authority over the people.

2:15  (1) Woe unto him that give his neighbor drink, to him that add the venom to make them drunk, that he may look on their nakedness! You are filled with shame, and not glory: drink also, and be as one uncircumcised; the cup of the Creator Hands shall come round unto you, and shame shall be upon your glory. The violence done to Lebanon shall cover you. The destruction of the beasts, which made you afraid; because of men’s blood, and for the violence done to (Gaza) the Land, to the Cities and to all that dwell therein. What profit the graven image, (Liberty) that the maker thereof has graven it; the molten image, even the teacher of lies, that he that fashioneth its form trust therein, to make dumb idols?

12344675665?profile=RESIZE_584x(2) Woe to him that build a Town with blood, and establisheth a City by iniquity! Behold, is it not the Creator of hosts that the people Labor only for the Fire, and the Nations weary themselves for Vanity? The Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Creator, as the waters cover the Sea. (3) Woe to him that increase that which is not his! how long? That cover himself with pledges and treaties that he refuse to keep! Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite you, and awake that shall vex you, and you shall be for booty unto them? Because you have plundered many Nations, the remnant of the peoples shall plunder you, because of men’s blood, and for the violence done to the Land, (Gaza) to the City and to all that dwell therein.

(4) Woe to him that get an evil gain for his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the hand of evil! You have devised shame to your house, by cutting off many people, and have sinned against your soul. For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. (5) Woe unto him that says to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise! this shall teach? Behold, it is overlaid with Gold and Silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it. The Eternal Father is in His Holy Place: let all the Earth keep Silent before Him.