Africa Is Zion


(Micah 4) He shall judge between many peoples, and shall decide disputes for strong Nations far away; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up weapons against Nation, neither shall they learn war anymore; but they shall sit every man under his Vine and under his Fig Tree, and no one shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Creator of hosts has spoken. The people walk each in the name of their god, we will walk in the name of our Creator forever and ever.

12544232253?profile=RESIZE_710xIn that day, declares the Creator, I will assemble the lame and gather those who have been driven away and those whom I have afflicted; and the lame I will make the remnant, and those who were cast off, a Strong Nation; and the Creator will Reign over them in Mount Zion from this time forth and forevermore.

You, O "Tower" of the flock, Hill of the daughter of Zion, to you shall come, the former dominion, Kingship for the daughter of Jah'rusalem. Now why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in you? Has your counselor perished, that pain seized you like a woman in labor? Writhe and groan, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in labor, you that was driven out from the City to dwell in the open fields in the Country of "Babylon the Great".

There you shall be rescued; there your Creator will redeem you from the hands of your enemies. Now many Nations are assembled against you, saying, “Let her be defiled, and let our eyes gaze upon Zion.” They do not know the thoughts of the Creator; they do not over-stand His plan, that He has gathered them as sheaves to the threshing floor. Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; for I will make your horn iron, and I will make your hoofs brass; and you shall beat in pieces many people: and I will devote their gain unto the Creator, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole Earth.

(Spirit of Truth) Bob Marley ( who is "Aquarius" Joseph) was born on the 6th of February, the date that Queen Elizabeth father died while she was in a giant Fig Tree in Kenya. I am youngest in Israel (Pisces Ben'jah-min born (Ronald Stewart Nugent) on the 24th of February 1952, the year that the Queen father died. 1952 is a number 8 year, and 24 is numerical 6, 2+4 = 6. 24 Hours is the complete cycle between  (Black and White) Night and Day. Bob Marley and I are born from the same Mother spiritually (Rachael). His date of birth, 6th February, and I year of birth 1952 (within the same month), is the date and year that Queen Elizabeth II father died. (February 6th 1952).

10966925057?profile=RESIZE_584xElizabeth II became Queen while in a Fig Tree in Kenya Africa. It is Elizabeth I, who signed the death warrent to have her cousin Mary Stewart (beheaded), who also told her that her son would sit on the Throne, made manifest in King James I. Muriel (Mary) Stewart is the Mother that gave I birth in 1952.

She is Virgo, (the Virgin) the woman that was persecuted because of her child  (Revelation12) so that Elizabeth II (who should have been made regent) could inherit the Colonial Throne while in Africa. At birth I was cast out of the House (in the Fig Tree) unto the ground to die, but  became the root from which the Tree grew, (King Nebuchadnezzar) and not the house (nest) built in its branches being caught up to the Creators Throne.

I am both branch and root, one who inherits two royal House,  Europe and Africa. For History to be fulfilled, there has to be resurrection, and this was fulfilled in Elizabeth II (who became queen in the year and month of I birth), I am King David roots, and rightful heir to the throne of Europe but was cast out as the Illegitimate child. It is written that every man shall sit under his own Vine and Fig Tree.

I Mother (Mama Africa), Mary Stewart II was taken into bondage on the Spanish Slave Ship ("San Juan" Bautista) sailing from Angola in 1619. It was captured by the English merchant ship ("White Lion"), who took a number of the slaves and brought them to (Port Comfort) Virginia whose Capital is James Town. The ship then sailed to Jamaica to be cleaned, and they left 24 slaves on the Island. Africa became the inheritance of Europe (through a queen) who divided it amongst them as was done to the Native Inhabitants in the West the Land of her Captivity. Those whom they made leaders in Africa joined in the persecution of I Mother when they cast I down to Earth from the branches of the Fig Tree. The crime was  celebrated by hiding it within a childs Nursery Rhyme; ("Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop, when the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, And down came baby, cradle and all).

This is why it was written, "What is hidden from the wise and prudent, would be made manifest by the mouth of the babe and suckling. I am born to inherit the throne of King Nebuchadnezzar who is the King that is said to be a Tree that ruled the entire Earth, whose birth on the 24th is spoken of in the 24th Psalms. I am called Absalom son of David, one who rose up against I fathers House, (whose root I am), and is given the title Cock-a-trice, "king of serpent" born to bring Honor to I Mothers House. Africa the cradle of Civilization will become the New United Nation that the entire World will have to pay homage to when it is set free from the Gods of Europe and their "one world dictator" (FINANCE) that have kept the entire World enslaved and under its spell, through her witchcraft.

12621559478?profile=RESIZE_584xTo over-stand this spiritual manifestation and its fulfillment. I surname Nugent is French, and three days after I shared this hidden revelation of the queen of England being crowned in Kenya, the President of that Country was at the White House, making plans with the West to send his police force to Haiti, (a French Colony) to go to war with his own brothers. Africa royal linage was sold into slavery, and imposters were given the seat of authority to oppress Africa.

The Capital of Haiti is Port-au-Prince, and the Capital of Jamaica is King-stone She that was crowned a queen over Africa was made to become your teacher and you have undressed yourself in her presence for the garment of whoredom, to become a carbon copy of the slave mistress and is shameless in your behavior.

Africa will rise up to become the Nation of "One Love", for she has and is being raped by everyone (to possess her Minerals), and because she has no strength to stand up against the war gods of the Earth with their military machines used to enforce their sick mentality of greed upon the innocent and weak, those without  strength to fight back. These Colonizers is able turn the Truth into Religion and appease African leaders in the four corners of the Earth to betray their own people. Africa has forgotten her true strength because she has lost Faith in her Creator.

She has forgotten that it is in her Purity that the Creation will rise up to become her strength to fight her battles and not fight against her as it is now doing because she is still looking to her oppressors for salvation. Instead of wisdom she has chosen the education of her colonizers,  the slave mistress who teaches her to follow whoredom and rebellion instead of shame. They have made her Image (that is only a Pillar of Salt) an Idol of worship, and have given it the title of being a liberator, "Liberty".

12546477665?profile=RESIZE_584xProstitution is standing in the midst of the Storm, the only Army that will put Nations in fear and terror and is being held back waiting until the period of grace is over so that those putting fear in others (through the destuction to all Life on Earth) is brought to Judgment. Just as it is written above the entrance Door of Public School 171 in Astoria, "As you Sow so shall you Reap".

12617711664?profile=RESIZE_400xThere is a mystic revelation about the History of this School. In 1943, the City of N Y. acquired this property for the Department of Education. Soon thereafter, the City built Peter G. Van Alst Public Elementary School 171, opened to students on February 5, 1952, (a day before the queen of England father died) and on October 28, 1952, the City hosted a dedication ceremony at the school, in honor of Peter Van Alst, known as Playground 171 It is in the Month and Year of I birth, (February1952) that the School was opened to studients! It is called a Magnet School of the Arts (Stew-art) I have risen up abobe Education, (those that have sown to the flesh) to that of Wisdom, (those that have sown to the Spirit) It is the Wisdom that was granted to Soloman from above, as written in the prayer (Anthem) of Jamaica.

The only one with legal Authority to destroy Life, is the Creator of Life. It is Habakkuk the Prophet who was shown the weapons of ultimate Destruction coming with the Army of fearless warriors that says to the arrogant Nations, "All you are is Dust of the Wind". This is the Army that will bring Africas children (who are scattered within the four corners of the Earth) home so they can Build the City of Unification, The New Jah'rusalem". as written in the final Book of the Holy Scriptures, Revelation 21.

The Creator loves the Gates of Zion, more than all the dwellings of Jacobs. (Psalms 87). So-called Israel and the Divided (United) Nations in America are now standing at the Judgment seat of the Creator, the only Judge in 2024. It is written in the Book of Revelation, and the blowing of the 7th Trumpet, that the  Government of the Earth will be given over to those that belong to the House of Peace, those that have not bowed down to the Image of the Beast in their way of life. The days of her Empire and her dirty White House is numbered, for it is filled with crimes, and its leaders refuse correction but is lifted up in false pride.

Ezekiel 24:12. She has wearied herself with lies, and her great scum went not out of her: Her filth shall be in the fire. In her filthiness is lewdness: because I have purged her, and she was not purged, she shall not be purged from her filthiness any more till I have caused I Fury to rest upon her. I the Creator have spoken: it shall come to pass, I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent; according to her ways, and according to her doings shall she be Judged says the Eternal Father.

(Spirit of Truth) All that is done on Earth is done with the knowledge of the Creators will and not man who sees himself as being in control. The Election that is to come is already decided in order to bring the Words of the Creator to pass. It is woman that made man follow behind her, just as how America is following behind Israel. It is her that became the Great Prostitute who has brought down many great men through her whoredom. She that was once judged (Vashti) and put away by the King (written in the Book of Esther) for her rebellion, is now brought back into remembrance because as it is written in Eziekiel, the Creator tried to cleanse her of her rebellion and sins but she refuse to be cleansed.

She became a prostitute who have given herself to men that are feminine in their behavior and who have upheld her rebellion by giving her the right to sit in judgment against man. Because she rules over (the forbidden fruit) NYC she is allowed to sit and judge a former President when the Law and Commandment says, “You Shall Not Commit Adultery”. Yet these careless women (some whos behavior took them out of poverty to become high class prostitutes) who claim that education gives them the right to do as they please, and are allowed to sit in the seat to be given titles as ministers and judges.

While her behavior is upheld by rules that have been placed above Law, on the other hand the same rules is being used to condem the common street prostitute who (through poverty) is made the victims of her society, and is the one whom Cry'ist defended, and told her to go and sin no more. She who is the prositute by choice ask to be given the poor and needy, yet her City is full of homeless people including her own children. She is spending money in Court to accuse a President about (hush money) payment that was offered for her services. If she has been offered hush money, why is she in Court talking instead of been ashamed of her behavior and keep silent?.

It is not Trump that is under judgment for allowing himself to be seduced by prostitution, it is woman, as written in Revelation. When the prostituting behavior of these women is (hush) silenced for good, then man will be free from all her temptation. The man that holds the “trump card” will rise up against the prostitute (Revelation 17) for she has turned the Earth upside-down with her behavior and then cry Wolf. She has abandoned her own children to an educational system that is leading them to the slaughter and claim that her body is hers to do as she

12543419892?profile=RESIZE_584x please, and that she has the right to rid herself of any unborn child she do not desire then complain that she is unable to find true love! (Revelation 17 And he said unto I, The waters where the whore sits are peoples, multitudes, Nations, and tongues. The ten horns that you saw upon the Beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall cause her to be burn in fire.

The Creator has put in their hearts to fulfill His Will, and to agree, and give the Queendom into the hands of the Beast, until the words of the Creator shall be fulfilled. The woman, which you saw is that great City, Babylon the Great, which reign over the Divided (United) Nation and all the leaders of the Earth that is under her spell.

(Spirit of Truth) The woman took on the nature of the serpent in the Garden of Life where resurrected Adam is given the title  of a Cockatrice, which is the Family Crest of I name Nugent, (a military name). I am the root of I name, (which is the background of this picture) one born to be a Prince of Peace because of I Davidic lineage within the (Art) Music, that represents the House of I Mother (Stew-Art).The title of the Cockatrice is king of serpent.

12543882876?profile=RESIZE_400x (Isaiah 14:29. Rejoice not, Babylon the Great because the rod that smote you is broken; out of the serpent’s root shall come a Cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent. The first-born of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety;)

(Spirit of Truth) I have been given resurrection within the Book of Timothy (the spiritual name given to I by Paul who baptised I and told I that it is Cry'ist who has revealed the Spirit of Truth within I) and reminded I that woman is to learn in silence, for the real ET (extra terrestrial), is about to be made manifest when the Angel sent to blow the 7th Trump-et the Instrument of destruction which he announced.

Revelation 11:15. And the 7th Angel sounded; and there were great voices in Heaven, saying, the queendoms of this World are become the kingdoms of our Creator, and of His Cry'ist; and He shall reign for ever and ever. The 24 Elders, which sat on their seats, fell upon their faces, giving thanks to you the Almighty Creator, who was, and is and is to come; because He will  use His Great Power to reign. The Nations were angry, and His wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that He should give reward unto His servants the Prophets, and to the Saints, and them that fear his Name, small and great; and shouldt destroy them which destroy the Earth. And the Temple of the Creator was opened in Heaven, and there was seen in His Temple the Ark of His Testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

2 Timothy 2:3 Suffer hardship with I as a good soldier of Cry'ist. No soldier on the battlefield entangle himself in the affairs of this life; that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. Remember Cry'ist is risen from the dead, of the seed of David, according to Truth: wherein I suffer hardship unto bonds, yet the words of the Creator is not bound. 1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. I do not permit a woman to teach, the things that pertain to the spirit, nor to have dominion over man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve; and Adam was not beguiled, but the woman being lead by the serpent have fallen into transgression: but she shall be saved through her child-bearing, if she continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety

(Spirit of Truth) The Descendants of slaves are the people that belong to Mount Zion where Cry’ist stood and blessed the people (Matthew 5). It is the same  Mountain that M.L. King stood on top of to enlighten a faithless people that prefered acceptance from their master rather than freedom from him. Those claiming to be Jews are not of Mount Zion and have been exposed to the World to be seen as imposters. They are a people that serve the God of Lie and Murder, and with the blessings of the Church, they have deceived the entire World as to their Identity. It is written that the evil ones have been cast out, and knows that their time is at hand, and have gone down to the Earth in great wrath.

12558441653?profile=RESIZE_710xHamas was the lesser of two evil, used as the instrument to expose them so that they are unable to continually use Hitler as their scapegoat to hide their own Evil. It is written, "what is hidden in the dark will come out into the Light, and they are totally exposed, along with those defending them, the Colonial powers including Religion.

What would make America stand in agreement with Israel? They were both created through the  violence, theft and murder of other Nations and people to possess Land. All those taking pride in being called Americans, and talking about founding fathers who are not Native of the Land, (including those that are the descendants of slaves), have chosen to remain in the hell fire of their slave masters House.

Those that have abandoned the House of their Mother (she that was violated), for the comfort of being in the house of prostitution, they are without integrity and will be disgraced by remaining slaves regardless of their material accomplishment and wealth, that is gained from others blood (forty pieces of silver). It is written that by following the behavior of those who became Africas colonizers, the Creator allowed your own to sell you to the Colonizers who brought you into bondage where you became enemies and betrayers of each other for favior of your master, whose pride you now take on. Africa went from being the virgin of Zion, along with her sister India, to become a follower of the great whore, and worse, whose lifestyle you envied and imitated because you saw that her whoredom made her a queen and have allowed her to live in luxury.

Africas Liberation will only come when the descendants of slave in the West decide to give up the whoredom of she that rule over them and stretch out their hands in repentance to their Creator with the yearning for a second Exodus so that their children can be liberated from the mental slavery (education) of entrapment that is acting as if it is the light through technology. It is the stone rejected by the builders that  have lead the way with the message of One Love, Wisdom, Knowledge and Over-standing, whose Revolution is found in Peace, which is Music.

12543263878?profile=RESIZE_710xThey are the Foundation upon which Africa will restore the Earth to her Original Purity and Glory. This was told to Peter by Cry'ist when He said, "Peter you are the Rock upon which I will Build I (Church) Temple, the New Jah'rusalem. Not out of the impuity, of Money, the root of sin and oppression, and the  cause as to why the Planet is about to die.

Because of money Africa and her children became a commodity to be bought and sold when a price was placed on her children to become the property of others. The true Wealth from their Ancestors Labor in the West will be given to them so they can return to build Africa as the Center and Capital of the Earth, instead of giving away your resources to other Nations (that does not have  Africas intrest at heart) for a plate of unhealthy fast food.

Judgement will begin in the House of the Creator in order to remove the leaders that are lead by the same greed as those that have colonized Africa and are still raping her. It is she that is blessed with all the resources needed to Create a New World Order, not modeled after the Divided (United) Nation and the West with their World Bank. The people need to be given a resurrected spirit so as to have a new way of thinking by shedding all the impurities of the West, taking only that which is good and burning all its corruption that has become Africas downfall. Her leaders are being governed by their own ideas for Africa some with good intention. Ones intention cannot be truly good when it is based upon the imitation of your oppressors system created by them, those whom you look up to and admire as being first world Countries.

 Africa can only be Built with a single mindset based upon Love and the Commandment of your Creator, and not the will of man. Why would you adopt the principles of your Colonizers without observing their behavior and example. Why would you choose to follow Democracy created by them who became criminals, murders and thieves. Do you not look within the house of those teaching you? Why do you allow their education to lead you like sheeps being lead to the slaughter? Why do you follow blindly because what is been shown and taught to you looks as if it is light? Should you not look on the dark side of light to see what is within the dark when the light goes out. It is written Evil makes itself appear to be light and have deceived the World.

When a reporter once asked Duvalier of Haiti about democracy, his answer was, anyone can create their own democracy. Democracy is only an empty word that is based upon a system with the appearance of being good, yet it was told to Adam not to follow Eve and partake into eating from the Tree of good and evil that is in the Garden, for it carries the venom of death and destruction. It represents a sinful Nation of people that are exploiters and murders of others, raping Land of its natural resources for their own greed. It represents a people that are enslaved by the Idol of their own making, (Money) that is brining all of Creation to total Distruction.

12450301653?profile=RESIZE_710xAfrica at Home and Abroad have allowed Western technology and its education to blind them from seeing reality and accepting Truth, so that their behavior is just like their teacher and worse. While they use sin, money (which is the root of every Evil on the face of the Earth) to oppress you, it is you that is also oppressing yourself with their sin.

Africas desire is to live in a World created by others, and is begging for acceptance instead of making others want to accept you. Africa the Foundation to the Garden of (Eden) Life, must throw off the mental shackles of the European Economical World for it has become your worse nightmare.

It is man that has created the economical system on Earth in order to rule over others. Africa was born out of the 24th Psalms. "The Earth Belongs to its Creator and all that it Possess" not to  man. To liberate the multitude, the Earth has to rid itself of the few who set themselves above the many.

The Heart and Soul of Africa is found in the Island of Jamaica, whose Motto is "Out Of Many One People". For forty pieces of silver there are those both in Africa and the West who have made themselves leaders, who is still willing in 2024 to betray their own for personal material gain that cannot save them from the grave when they are called into account, as it is written "Why gain the World and loose your Soul". Yet there are those that prefer to have a moment of plesure, than to have everlasting Treasures. 2019 fulfilled 400 years of recorded slavery in the West, from that time until now the people is under grace, and it is about to expire. Africa must prepare herself to welcome that which is New, and give up the Old that has made others look upon her as people of the Dark Continent who needs to adopt Western lifestyle and ways to come out of darkness, and as it is written the serpent took possession of Eve first.

It is the Creator that brought Light out of Darkness as it is written in the Beginning of Creation. The reality is, the West with all its technology are the ones that is in deep Darkness, and is leading the rest of the World blindly into the pit of Destruction. Africa and the descendants of Africa will again after 400 years of Bondage as told to Abram by his Creator, to look to the second Exodus in order to be free from your oppressors and the deception of Democracy. It is written that "If my people hat are called by my name should have humbled themselves and seek I face, they would long ago be free of their oppressors. Instead the people turned back into Slavery because they lost faith when they were first liberated from the sins of Liberty.

Now they and the World is left without any excuse, yet they choose to mock their Creator in the places of Worship on Land that was not given to their masters regardless of how long he has possessed it. It is Justice and Truth that will redeem man and not places of worship. Religion when its purpose is fulfilled will be removed from the face of the Earth, for it will not save any from the wrath of the second Judgment by Fire that is about to bring the Earth to Silence, as Habakkuk the Prophet proclaimed.

                                                                                                        2 ESDRAS Coming Desaster

The Creator says, “Proclaim to my people the prophetic messages that I will give you, and then have them written down, because they are true and will be fulfilled. Do not be afraid of those who plot against you or be disturbed by their unbelief. All unbelievers will die because of their unbelief.” The Creator says, “I am going to bring terrible disasters on the Whole World—war and famine, death and destruction, because wickedness has spread everywhere, and evil has reached its limit.” “Therefore,” the Creator says, “I will no longer remain silent about the wickedness of these godless people; I will no longer tolerate it. They have murdered innocent people, and the blood they have spilled cries out to me for revenge; the souls of the righteous are constantly pleading for vengeance. Let there be no doubt,” says the Creator, “I will hear the plea of all the innocent people who have been murdered and I will take vengeance for what has been done to them.

My people are being led to the slaughter like a flock of sheep. They will no longer have to live in Spiritual Egypt; I will use all My strength and power to bring them out of that Land. I will bring disasters upon Babylon the Great as I did earlier, and I will destroy their Country. The whole Land will be in mourning; it will be shaken to its foundations when I, the Creator, strike it and pound on it. The farmers will mourn because their seed will fail to sprout, and their trees will be destroyed by blight, hail, and terrible storms. “The World and the people in it are doomed. The War that will bring their destruction is very near. Nations will arm themselves and fight against other Nations. There will be great political turmoil, with one group trying to overpower another and gain control, while ignoring the legitimate Government. There will no longer be free access to the Cities, because the struggle for power will bring destruction, terror, and total confusion wherever people live.

Driven by famine and terrible suffering, people will assault their neighbors and mercilessly plunder their possessions.” The Creator says, “I am calling together all the kings (Colonizers) of the Earth to come from North, South, East, and West to turn back and restore what they have taken. I will pay them back with the same harsh treatment they have always given to my chosen people.” The Creator says, “I will use I Power, and there will be no mercy for sinners; I will put to death all who have murdered innocent people. My anger has become so fierce that fire has blazed out to burn up the foundations of the Earth and to burn up sinners like straw. Sinners who do not keep I Commands are doomed,” says the Creator. “I will have no mercy on them! Out of I sight, you rebels! Do not defile I Holy Temple.

Habakkuk 2:20. The Creator is in his Holy Temple: let all the Earth keep silent before Him.