Political Dunce


                                                    Mitt Romney VS President Obama.


Pronouncements of who won Wednesday night’s debate in Denver dominated the analysis. (what did they win?)

Did Mitt Romney effectively land his promised zingers and seem likable enough? Did President Obama defend his record and convey a sense of what a second term would look like? (likable?)


On those big issues, it’s pretty clear: Romney was more on his GAME! More incisive, more fluid and good-natured through it all. He was tough in his attacks without being vicious or disrespectful. He didn’t over-rely on prepackaged attack lines. (game, vicious, attack?)


With statements like “regulation is essential,” he came across as the moderate former governor of Massachusetts, not the man who won the Republican nomination. (came across?)

Obama was halting by contrast, on his heels most of the evening. A liberal friend sent me a text message about 40 minutes in. It was two words long: “Romney winning.” (winning?)

With his (back against the wall), Mitt Romney went on the (offensive) in his first debate with President Obama, delivering an unexpectedly strong performance that may have given badly needed momentum to his struggling campaign. (the Heathen back de pon the Wall)  

For 90 minutes Wednesday night, the two men battled over taxes, deficits and steps needed to create jobs in a sluggish economy, attacking each other’s plans with a mix of wonky math and tight, forced smiles. (It is Caesar who made himself a God by declaring that the whole World should be Taxed!)

Romney repeatedly sought to turn the contest into a referendum on the past four years, saying that Obama’s policies have “crushed” the middle class.” (contest?)


Going forward with the status quo is not going to cut it with the American people,” said Romney. “We know that the path we’re taking is not working,” he said later. “It’s time for a new path.” (new path?)


Obama framed the Election as a choice between two starkly different approaches to Government.


"The question is not where we have been, but where we are going" the President said. (different approach, have been, going?)


“Are we going to double down on the top-down economic policies that helped to get us into this mess or do we embrace a new economic patriotism that says, 'America does best when the middle class does best?” (new economic, middle class?)


The back-and-forth rarely grew heated but the two men showed little warmth for each other and frequently went on to make their points despite attempts by the moderator, Jim Lehrer of PBS, to rein them in. (rein them in?)


In what was often a numbing duel over numbers, the President let some potentially damning Romney assertions go unchallenged: that household income has fallen by an average of $4,000 since 2008; that 23 million Americans are out of work; that the number of food stamp recipients has risen to a record 46 million. (duel, numbers?)

And throughout the debate, Obama inexplicably never mentioned the campaign’s recent game-changer, the fundraising secret video in which Romney derided the “47%” of Americans who rely on the government.

Romney, however, refused to accept Obama's claim about the Republican's tax-cut proposal.

"I'm not looking for a $5 trillion tax cut," the ex-Massachusetts governor bristled. "Mr. President, you're entitled to your own airplane and your own house,” Romney added, “but not your own facts." (5 trillion tax cut?)


Obama grew animated when defending his health care legislation “I have become fond of this term, ‘Obama Care,’ ” the President said - and while accusing Romney of not explaining the details of his tax and health care plans. (animated, Obama care)


This is going to be a test of how much debates can change the polls. There's no real question that Romney won the first debate,” said Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. (debate, university?)

But Republican strategists were ebullient in the moments after the candidates left the Colorado stage.

“It's a ‘NSR’ night," senior adviser Ron Kaufman told the Daily News. "No spin required." And even Obama’s team conceded that Romney won -- at least on style if not on substance. (style, substance)


                                                   THE DEATH OF DEMOCRACY

The death of Democracy will be the death of the present “One World Government” and the Freedom of the World. It is clear that the outcome of this years Election in America (which is by destiny) will not only decide the fate of America but the fate of the Earth.


Daniel did Prophesy the End of the Final World Power, and the Birth of the “New World Order”, which is the Everlasting Government of the Creator.


Why was the Debate held in a University? It is the Institution of confusion. It creates mental delusion in people who are unable to see or accept reality, and at the same time enslave them to financial debt.


The greatest mass murders in America have taken place in these Institutions of learning! It is the house from which debate is created, which can also mean (de-bait). Their Debate is baited with lies, lies and more lies, which they use to control the minds of their followers who are only in love with lie!


What is there to de-bate about? When debate only leads to another debate, and another debate until your mind is so confused with debating that you become as mental as those that are debating.


In the University of Wisdom, it is written, “Come let us Reason together says the Creator”. The only way you can Reason is by leaving the University of Education; By so doing they would have had answers and would be able to solve the Problem of the Society and the World that they created.


Do you not see the madness of those whom you are giving authority to control your life? When choosing a leader is based upon who won the debate, or who appeal more to your material desires, or who can tell the most lie, or who gave the knockout punch etc?


There are words like “It is not a matter of where we have been but where we are going! If you have never been some place then how can you go some place?


Where America has been? They were given the Authority over the Earth when it was taken from the King in the Revolutionary War, but have abused this authority, and have been down the road of self destruction, and is going to the Hell of their own making.  


Why is Human Life summed up as trillions of Dollar? Both Candidate claim to have different approach in solving the problem but they both still embraces the same Problem.


Romney is talking about time for a change, when the only change is the one you use to get when you purchase something with money.


David was a Shepherd who was chosen to lead the People because he was called a man after the Creators own Heart, until he too fell from grace.


Now you have those that want to lead you based upon who have the most money to run for office and PR coverage. If these Politicians who claim that money is the solution to the problem had your welfare at heart, then they would use their campaign fund raising money to help you?


With his latest fundraising haul, Barack Obama will almost certainly set a new campaign finance milestone, becoming America's first $1 billion candidate.


Do you know how much help this money could do to poor families (just in the neighborhood that JZ claim he is from) that are being thrown out of the stolen properties that were sold or rented to them?


Instead all this money is being used to sell themselves like a product in debating and fighting each other for political power.


Their financial Empire is a failure, and still they are selling the people the Lie that trillions of dollars will solve the problem! How does one solve a problem by refusing to get rid of the problem?


The greatest song to be sung in the House of (the Lord) Liberation is by Peter Tosh, and it is titled “The Day The Dollar Dies”.


It has become the “stumbling stone” for all whose Heart has been polluted by it. It is written, “We fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities the spiritual powers of darkness”.


Since the war is not against flesh and blood but against that which is used to pollute and enslave the Earth, all those that will stumble in the defense of the Dollar as if it is Life, will burn with it in this Eternal Judgment of Purification.


All who are enslaved to use money and uses it with scorn, without defending it, will find mercy in this Judgment. Those that will place their life in front of a dead object and defend its enslavement, (talking about I know but) Judgment will not be partial or merciful.


This is what Jahsus Cryist said when he gave the Sermon on the Mountain, (Mount Zion) “Blessed are the “Pure In Heart” for they shall See the Creator of Life”.


The Whole World is serving this One World Government of Sin and Oppression? You can tell by the Image of their Conformity, “Business Suit”, which all leaders in the 4 Corners of the Earth have bowed down to.


Every leader on Earth that have adorned themselves in a Business Suit even if he stood up in the defense of Truth was themselves not made perfect in the Truth because they too have bowed down to the Physical Image of the Beast, (The Financial World and its dress code)


The ministers that are claiming to represent the Creator on Earth are themselves a part of this conformity. Theirs attire is no different than the attire of the businessman or the politician. As a matter of fact the minister business suit far outdo those who work on Wall Street.


What is the difference between the Republican and the Democrat? One is coming out of the Night and the other out of the Day.


The Day (Romney) says that Obama policies are crushing the “middle class”. The Night (Obama) says that America is strong when the “middle class” is strong!


They speak through their University Education and their statement makes them Political Dunces. I will speak from the University of Wisdom in its humility to show that their Education only produces Dunce that have confused their children minds so that they are driven to violent outburst.


If there is a Middle, it means that there has to be a Top and a Bottom; this is what gives us the Trinity.


In the Beginning there is Life, this is called the Foundation = the Bottom.


Life then travelled into the next dispensation of time, which is called the “middle age” and this was called the age of darkness. It is within this age that Cryist was made manifest to turn the darkness back into Light


Life then travelled into the third dispensation, which is called the top or the end of the ages, known as the age of Judgment, which is fulfillment.  


This Trinity of Life represents the three division of the Human Family here on the Earth.


The Foundation (bottom) is in the Beginning is and this is where the Family of the Poor is found.


The Middle is the Dark Ages, and this is where the Middle Class is found. The Top (end of the ages) is where the Rich is found and it is where Life is brought to Judgment and a New Beginning fulfillment.


Everyone knows that it is impossible for a Building to rise up without a Foundation to stand on. It is the Foundation that supports both the Middle and the Top, and it is only a Dunce that would try and build from the middle unless they have the power to build without support!  


The Middle and the Top are only able to stand because of the Foundation. How then can there be any real change if no one is talking about strengthening the (Poor) Foundation?


To the Educated University People, I have graduated from your house of Education in order to apply myself in serving and building the world of those who were made the masters over I. When I became a man my obligations changed, I now desired to build my World.  


If your educated pride can humbled then you will allow I to remove the darkness from your eyes by showing you some terrifying and frightening reality that is about to take place.


All the leaders of the Earth that has bowed down to (finance) a Jacket and Tie and call themselves Democratic, have all made war in their arrogance upon the Foundation (Poor) that is upholding everything.


The strength that they have taken away from the Foundation will no more allow it to hold up the Middle and the Top anymore.


This is the Election of Destiny that will cause the Foundation of the Earth to shake, so that the middle and top is brought down to the Foundation. (“To the Foundation they will have to go down” song by Dennis Emanuel Brown)


                             (Fourth Vision of Esd-ras)  Vision of the Weeping Woman.

38 When I said these things in my heart, I lifted up my eyes and saw a Woman on my right, and behold, she was mourning and weeping with a loud voice, and was deeply grieved at heart, and her clothes were rent, and there were ashes on her head (Ash Wednesday). 39 Then I dismissed the thoughts with which I had been engaged, and turned to her and said to her, 40 Why are you weeping, and why are you grieved at heart?" 41 And she said to me, "Let me alone, my lord, that I may weep for myself and continue to mourn, for I am greatly embittered in spirit and deeply afflicted."


42 And I said to her, "What has happened to you? Tell me." 43 And she said to me, your servant was barren and had no child, though I lived with my husband thirty years. 44 And every hour and every day during those thirty years I besought the Most High, night and day. 45 And after 30 years the Creator heard your handmaid, and looked upon my low estate, and considered my distress, and gave me a Son. And I rejoiced greatly over him, I and my husband and all my neighbors’; and we gave great glory to the Mighty One.


46 And I brought him up with much care. 47 So when he grew up and I came to take a Wife for him, I set a day for the Marriage feast. 1 But it happened that when my Son entered his wedding chamber, he fell down and died. (Luke 3:23)


2 We all put out the lamps, and all my neighbors’ attempted to console me; and I remained quiet until evening of the second day. 3 But when they all had stopped consoling me, that I might be quiet, I got up in the night and fled, and came to this field, as you see.


4 And now I intend not to return to the City, but to stay here, and I will neither eat nor drink, but without ceasing mourn and fast until I die." 5 Then I broke off the reflections with which I was still engaged, and answered her in anger and said, 6 "You most foolish of women, do you not see our mourning, and what has happened to us? 7 For Zion, the Mother of us All is in deep grief and great affliction. 8 It is most appropriate to mourn now, because we are all mourning, and to be sorrowful, because we are all sorrowing; you are sorrowing for one Son, but we, the Whole World, for our Mother.


9 Now ask the Earth, and she will tell you that it is she who ought to mourn over so many who have come into being upon her. 10 And from the Beginning all have been born of her, and others will come; and behold, almost all go to perdition, and a multitude of them are destined for destruction.


11 Who then ought to mourn the more, she who lost so great a multitude, or you who are grieving for one? 12 But if you say to me, `My lamentation is not like the Earth's, for I have lost the fruit of my womb, which I brought forth in pain and bore in sorrow; 13 but it is with the Earth according to the way of the Earth - the multitude that is now in it goes as it came';


14 Then I say to you, `as you brought forth in sorrow, so the Earth also has from the beginning given her fruit, that is, man, to him who made her.' 15 Now, therefore, keep your sorrow to yourself, and bear bravely the troubles that have come upon you. 16 For if you acknowledge the decree of the Creator to be just, you will receive your son back in due time, and will be praised among women. 17 Therefore go into the City to your husband." 18 She said to me, "I will not do so; I will not go into the City, but I will die here."


19 So I spoke again to her, and said, 20 "Do not say that, but let yourself be persuaded because of the troubles of Zion, and be consoled because of the sorrow of Jahrusalem. 21 For you see that our sanctuary has been laid waste, our altar thrown down, our temple destroyed;


22 Our harp has been laid low, our song has been silenced, and our rejoicing has been ended; the light of our lamp stand has been put out, the Ark of our covenant has been plundered, our Holy things have been polluted, and the name by which we are called has been profaned; our free men have suffered abuse, our Priests have been burned to death, our Levites have gone into captivity, our virgins have been defiled, and our wives have been ravished; our righteous men have been carried off, our little ones have been cast out, our young men have been enslaved and our strong men made powerless.


23 And, what is more than all, the seal of Zion - for she has now lost the seal of her glory, and has been given over into the hands of those that hate us. 24 Therefore shake off your great sadness and lay aside your many sorrows, so that the Mighty One may be merciful to you again, and the Most High may give you rest, and relief from your troubles."


25 While I was talking to her, behold, her face suddenly shone exceedingly, (Revelation 12:1) and her countenance flashed like lightning, so that I was too frightened to approach her, and my heart was terrified. While I was wondering what this meant, 26 behold, she suddenly uttered a loud and fearful cry, so that the Earth shook to the Foundation at the sound.


27 And I looked, and behold, the woman was no longer visible to me, but there was an established City, and a place of Huge Foundations showed itself. Then I was afraid, and cried with a loud voice and said, 28 "Where is the angel Uriel, who came to me at first? For it was he who brought me into this overpowering bewilderment; my end has become corruption, and my prayer a reproach." 29 As I was speaking these words, behold, the angel who had come to me at first came to me, and he looked upon me;


30 And behold, I lay there like a corpse and I was deprived of my over-standing. Then he grasped my right hand and strengthened me and set me on my feet, and said to me, 31 "What is the matter with you? And why are you troubled? And why are your over-standing and the thoughts of your mind troubled?" 32 I said, "Because you have forsaken me! I did as you directed, and went out into the field, and behold, I saw, and still see, what I am unable to explain." 33 He said to me, "Stand up like a man, and I will instruct you."




The Human Family on this Earth is about to become one People when everything is leveled to the “Foundation”. Nothing will ever be allowed to again rise above the Foundation. The Motto of Jahmaica will become the Eternal Word of the Father “Out Of Many One People”.


No one can fight against I; they can only fight against themselves. The Wisdom given to I is above likes or dislikes, for my Authority is written by the Prophet and sealed by the Family Crest of my Name. “The Cockatrice”


Isaiah 14:29 Rejoice not thou, whole Babylon The Great, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a Cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.


14:30 And the firstborn of the Poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety: and I will kill thy root with famine, and he shall slay thy remnant.


14:31 Howl, O gate; cry, O City; thou, whole Babylon The Great, art dissolved: for there shall come from the North a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times.


14:32 What shall one then answer the messengers of the Nation? That the Creator hath founded Zion, and the Poor of his People shall Trust in it. (In God the Creator We Trust)


Going forward with the status quo is not going to cut it with the American people,” said Romney. “We know that the path we’re taking is not working,” he said later. “It’s time for a new path.”

If there is anything that I can walk away from the debate as being a Positive statement is Romney own words. He spoke without the knowledge that his words have been lifted way above him.


Revelation 21:1 And I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth: for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away; and there was no more sea of deception. 21:2 I John saw the Holy City, New Jahrusalem, rising up out of the Foundation of the Earth, prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband.


21:3 And I heard a great voice out of Heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of the Creator is with man, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his People, and the Creator himself shall be with them, and be their Light. 21:4 And Mother Earth shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.


21:5 And he that sat upon the Throne said, Behold, I make all things a New (Path). And he said unto me, write: for these Words are True and Faithful. 21:6 And he said unto me, it is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give unto him that is thirsty of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely.


21:7 He that overcome shall inherit all things; and I will be his Creator, and he shall be my Son. 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake, which burn with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Viewers keep close eye on candidates at Side BAR in New York City. The New York Young Republican Club hosted the viewing party.