Truth Shall Prevail

                                                            THE BURDEN WHICH HABAKKUK THE PROPHET DID SEE

How long must I call for help, yet You do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” yet you do not save? Why do you make I look at Injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and Violence are before I; strife, and conflict abounds. Therefore the LAW is paralyzed, and Justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the Righteous, so that Justice is perverted.

12630200889?profile=RESIZE_710xI will stand upon I watch, and set me upon the tower, and will listen to hear what the Creator will say to I, and what I shall answer concerning I complaint.

The Creator answered I and said, Write the Vision down and make it plain upon tablets, that he may Run that read it. The Vision is yet for the appointed Time, and it haste toward the End and shall not Lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay.

Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright in him; but the Righteous shall live by his Faith. moreover, wine is treacherous, a haughty man, that keepeth not at home; who enlargeth his desire as Sheol, and he is as death, and cannot be satisfied, but gather unto him all Nations, and heap unto him all peoples.

Shall not all these take up a parable against you, and a taunting proverb against you, and say, Woe to him that increase that which is not his how long? and cover  himself with lies and pledges! You have plundered many Nations, all the remnant of the peoples shall plunder you, because of men’s blood, and for the Violence done to the Land, to the City and to all that dwell therein.

Woe to him that add an evil gain for his house, that he may set his nest on high, in order to be delivered from the hand of evil! You have devised shame to your house by cutting off many peoples, and has sinned against your soul. For the Stone shall cry out of the wall, and the Beam out of the timber shall answer it. Woe to him that buildh a Town with blood, and establish a City by Iniquity! Behold, is it not of the Creator that the people labor for the Fire, and the Nations weary themselves for Vanity? For the Earth shall be filled with the Knowledge and Glory of the Creator, as the Waters cover the Sea.

(Spirit of Truth) For those that listened to the speech delivered at the Divided Nation by the Iranian President in 2011 thirteen years ago, and saw how the Divided States of America walked out only to expose their arrogance and denial of those whom they claim to represent evil, while claiming themselves to be a Nation under God! In reality the only God they are under is the great prostitute and the liberty she gives those who will commit prostitution with her in order for them to be rewarded with monetary freedom the Almighty Dollar, the Evil that is used by her to corrupt and enslave the World, and is upheld by military might as the Supreme law over Life.

12532013653?profile=RESIZE_710xThere are those in Religion who deceive the people that Money is not Evil, claiming that it is the love of it! If one does not love vanella ice cream, why would you have a desire for it? Money is the bait on the hook used to catch the people in order to enslave them to a job which they call the American dream (Liberty),

It is this material temptation that causes people to flee their home Land in order to reach the Land of Liberty, yet the Liberty Bell of freedom found in Philadelphia, (known as the City of brotherly love) is cracked. The  manifestation of this can be found the streets of Kensington where the people themselves are cracked out on Drugs.

It is in Philadelphia that I also took part in the Revolutionary War of America. I am he who is also called Job, one that refuse to be enslaved to her job, (and have kept the faith of Abram, the Father of all Nation). It is I wife that is being lead by her material desires who told I to curse I Creator and die and followed after the serpent into  prostitution and became a Pillar of Salt.

It is her that refuse to give up the forbidden fruit, (spoken of in Revelation 17-18) called Babylon the Great, or NYC the "Big Apple", where fallen Adam is still unable to get out of her bed of whoredom and is made Mayor of her City (Eric Adams) It is by her prostitution that a former President is trapped, (not she that was raped and forced into prostitution, Tamar, Absalom sister) she to whom Revelation 17 speaks (Revelation 17:15. And He said unto I, the waters where the whore sits are peoples, and multitudes, and Nations, and tongues.

Cry'ist became spiritual Adam the one sent to save the flesh of physical Adam (Judas) he that was lost and was replaced by Matthias (on whom the "Lot" fell) It is his wife who became a "Pillar of Salt" causing him to return to Sodom in order to become a sacrifice on her behalf. It is by fire that she will be purified. Judas is another name associated with betrayal, "Delilah". Matthias Day is February 24th, which is I Earth-day. It is also said that he took the Word to Ethiopia where he became a martyr.

12533391693?profile=RESIZE_584xFallen Adam is under the spell of the great whore and is made to become her slave for life (these are the slaves who remain a yes mistress, no master servants), following behind sinful Eve, who is given authority over him as the Governor in her City that has the highest homeless population in its History.

To win the admiration of the whore, the Mayor have decided to spend thousands of dollars of his personal money for information that will lead to the arrest of one of his subjects who spray-painted a war monument (image of worship). And while he is proud to do so, there are many war vetrans homeless on the streets of her City.

This is the same Mayor before he took office in 2019, went to Ghana to commorate 400 years of Africans being sold to the West as slaves by their own, blinded to the fact that they would end up being Colonized by those who covet the Land because of its Minerals and Natural Wealth. Those who are the descendants of slavery are not considered to be Africans because they were not born on the Continent.

While in the West where they are born they cannot claim ownership to the Land they are born in for it was violently taken from others whom they have driven onto Reservations. For the descendants of slaves to claim ownership and rights to the Land they were exiled in is to take the blood of their slavemaster upon themselves, and have made him feel guiltless of his sins. Yet the slaves have taken on his pride when they are seeking to have justice over their Native brothers and sisters. If they are not seeking justice for those who lost what is their Home to murders and thieves, how is it they expect to be given justice themselves for what was also taken from them?

By what Law can the descendants of slaves use to claim any Island or Continent that they were made a slave, when the Law and Commandment says "You should not Covet, Murder and Steal? Unless it is the Creator who puts it in your possession who gave you right to it when the Earth belongs to its Creator and all that it possess? It was not given to your slave masters that brought you to the West, so why not let him bear the consequences for his sins, as it is written, "You will reap what you sow"?

it is the descendants of slaves that are the ones holding back the freedom of the entire Earth, for theirs freedom is tied to yours. When slaves speak about they fought for their freedom, and they have achieved their Independence, what do they mean by that? If your existence still depend upon your slave master in every way, what do you mean by you are Independent or free? Independence can only come to the descendent of slave, through a second Exodus as it is written in the Old Testament.

Where are your educators or black ministers? They are caught up in whaat they call material blessings so that they become blinded to truth that it is only the Creator who has the Power to set free as promised to Abram concerning his descendants. The descendants of slaves have sold their birthright to others who are liers. As long as they allow their master to wash his hands of his crimes, they will suffer the same Judgment that is long overdue and is about to come upon the Earth. Do you believe that because a man has grown old in sin, there is no judgment for his crimes. It is like saying that those that call themselves Israel, is immune from the wrath of the Creator when it comes tumbling down.

12493792071?profile=RESIZE_584xThere are two characters in the New Testament that describe master and slave, and it is Pontius Pilate, and Judas. The first is the master and the second is the slave. It is the slave that is being used to cover up the masters’ sins, and it is being made manifest on the Continent where the slaves have taken on the false pride of their master who claims to be a Nation under God, a god of lie, brute force and violence.

The master is the vampire, and his slave is willing to give up his own life in order to be accepted by him, and who sees everyone else as an out-sider (illegal migrants) trying to take what they claim to be theirs. Obama father is an African, and Africa kept silent when the West decided to rid themselves of Gaddafi, because they allow the West to tell them who is their enemy, and to dispise those who try to do good that is not found in them because they are motivated by self interest and greed.

When America decided to make War with the people of Iraq, the master washed his hands of this crime by giving the authority to Collin Powell and Condoleezza Rice (descendants of slaves) to permit the slaughter of thousands of innocent people.  When they wanted to get rid of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, (one whose system benefited his people above those of the West) and to drop bombs on other Nations that were not obedient to what they call Democracy, and to make the sin of abomination (same sex marriage), into what they call law, they gave Barak Obama the Presidental seat of sin, the White House.

12493792274?profile=RESIZE_584xPresently there is war between Ukraine and Russia, also a war in the Middle East where Israel is given the authority to murder tens of thousands of innocent people in Gaza, (in the name of self defence) once again what did Pilate do? He made the slave the Secetary of Defense, and to to veto any resistance to this violence at the Divided Nation it is the slave girl they put in the chair instead of her mistress.

These are the slaves whose only desire is to serve their master and are satisfied to be sacrificed by him, as long as long as they are given authority that is self destructive, for they are contented to play the role of Judas, who in the end hung himself after discovering that he was used. This is why the master feels no guilt in lynching him, yet his generation continue in the betrayal.

As long as the slave desire to serve their master by taking pride in Land stolen by him the African Continent will continually be sacrificed to the fire of the oppressors sins, for he is still able to avoid punishment meant for him by washing the blood from his hands upon his loyal slaves. The Slaves in America were not born from the warrior clan, even though there were exceptions, this is why they were kept close to their master who felt no serious uprising from them that was found in Jamaica or Haiti. The slaves that were feared were place far away from the Continent into the Islands because of their rebellious and warlike behavior. Boukman a slave in Jamaica ended up in Haiti and became the spark that lit the fire for the Revolution.

It is also in Jamaica that the Revolution that came through peace (Music) was born from amongst a people that are known as Rastafarians, identified by their lox (representing rejection of the establishment), an image spoken of in the Bible as worn by those called Nazarene, (Samson) and as revealed in the Book of Daniel, they refused to bow down to the image of (Liberty) the society and so they were despised and persecuted. They are the only ones descended from slavery who did not make any claim to the Island they were born in as belonging to them. They held to the Faith of Abram that the Creator would redeem them from bondage, and while some might have lost their Faith, a handful of corn was left on the Hillside, (Psalms 72:16). A City built on a Hill cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:14)

They are numbered amongst the 144,000 found in the Book of Revelation. They were not accepted in the Islands of their birth, nor by the slaves in America, those that followed in the pride of their master believing themselves to be above everyone else, (One Out Of Many), the motto of America. Even though slaves in the West knew of their own History being Educated, they prefer to live in the illusion that their education and career have liberated them from Bondage. While they claim to be fighting against their slave master, it is their masters’ children that first accepted Rastafarians (even though they have stumbled, but they did not fall), which shows the depth of self-hatred in identifying with self amongst slaves.

There is nothing amongst the descendants of slave in the West that can be identified as Black Culture! Sports cannot be called Culture, entertainment is not a Culture, (diamond in the back, sun roof top, digging the scene with a gangsta lean cannot be called culture). The Movie Shaft and the era of the Black Cinema is not culture. This is why the present Generation of youth is lost, and you are claiming that it is because we have lost black culture! There is no History of a Culture amongst the descendants of slaves born in the West, except the emerging of those called Rastafarians, who severed ties to the West, and started a Religious revolution that was born out of peace, Music.

As it is written the parents have eaten sour grapes and the children teeth are set on edge. Women has allowed Education to make them become as their rebellious slave mistress who claim to be an indipendent woman, so that they have abandoned the responsiblity of their home claiming to be called into the Ministry to teach, while their children is out of control. They have allowed sin to appoint them as Judge to sit in judgment against men that have fallen because of their seductions in becoming liberated prostitutes because education have given them this freedom.

Not only do they disrespect man (who disrespect himself also) but she is disobedient to the words of her Creator to keep silent outside of her home, for it is her, who led man (through the flesh) into sin, and that the final Judgment to remove sin and its temptation now falls upon her, she who have refused to given up her behavior and have turned the World upside down, a song played by the British band in their surrender to the American Revolution.

The Apostle Paul said Israel refusal to accept that which was promised to them through Faith, allowed the Gentiles to be grafted in amongst them to become a part of His Promise within the New Jah’rusalem, that those called by his name have given up in order to pursue the City of their enslavement. The promise made to Abram is that his seed would have been taken into bondage in the West and would have no place of their own. They are not Africans (which is the home of their Ancestors) because they were not born on the Continent, and the Land and Islands of their birth belong to their Native brothers and sisters, who like them have had their Inheritance taken from them and has been driven onto what is called Reservation.

There are the slaves who have become like their master in coveting what is not theirs by claiming that they were here before the Native Inhabitants, yet is unable to address the written and revealed 400 years History of their own bondage. Instead of the desire to be free from the slavery of their own History that is written in plain sight, they overlook it to claim a History that they cannot see and has nothing to do with their present conditions. It is Joshua who complained that the people became complacent and comfortable with their present condition, they have convinced themselves that they are free, and have no desire to claim what is promised to them.

They became immitators of their captors living in their shadow in order to be accepted and have forgotten the Commandments that says, "You shall not Covet or Steal, so where is pride or boast amongst the descendants of slaves when they are sold property that is the Inheritance of another people? Everyone except the Native Inhabitants in the West are trespassers on that which was violently taken from others. The Natives Inhabitants never saw the Land from which man is given birth as being the private property of any man, yet they never read Psalms 24 to know this. Everyone should ask mercy of the Creator in accepting the blood of another man just to have a roof over their head, rather than to boast about material ownership.

12535047280?profile=RESIZE_710xDescendants of slaves are the children of Promise, the people to whom the desert is promised when the Creator remove the curse and cause it to  bloom again, along with the the New Jah’rusalem. Yet they have sold their Birthright and abandoned what is promised to them for the corrupted material sin of their slave mistress house.

They have allowed others to claim that which belongs to them, those who are making sure that the New Jah’rusalem will not be built,by the raping of Africa for the minerals.

Where are the (Black) Churchs in upholding Truth so that the people eyes can be opened in order to have hope instead of hopelessness? All they do is to quote the words of Scriptures and have chosen to endorse Politicans who are Liars like themselves.

The brothers who call themselves Israelites are the only ones in America that identify with this Truth, even though like everyone else they have their own faults to deal with. Those who are identified as Rastafarians, and have their own faults also, are the only ones that have not bowed down to the Image of the Beast, and did not claim that the Islands belong to them. Until the descendants of slaves cry out to be delivered from their master sins, and claim what is promised to them, then they will suffer in the Judgment that is not ment for them.

It is the Rastafarians who held the Faith of returning to Zion, there is no other group amongst the descendants of slave that held this faith. It is they who took up the weapons of Peace to make war against their oppressors, whose birth was established within the New World (which is the power of the New Testament) All other Religions were established through war, bloodshed and the whoredom of money, not Peace. Because they were exempt from these sins and their refusal to bow to the Image of conformity, they became a persecuted people, as it is told to the Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia.

For it is written I shall give I people a New Name, not because of righteousness rather because of their Faith. When they speak against those in Israel that call themselves Zionist, they should know that there were imposters amongst the people and those that belong to True Zion are called the Peace Makers. It is on Mount Zion that Cry'ist stood and adressed the people, found in Matthew 5. Warmongers cannot be called Zionist, and are not the chosen of the Creator, even though the Churches, is claiming them to be.

One must also know this that there is a greater Humanitarian Crisis in Africa that is as bad and even worse than what is taking place in Gaza, but it is hidden from view, why? The Liberation of Palestine, and the World will never happen until the descendants of Slave scattered in the four corners of the Earth is gathered, (M.L King in his final speech spoke also of this) they hold the Key to the Earths Liberation. The speech that the  Iranian President gave at the Divided Nations in 2011, still speak to the present, that the warmongering people, who through violence have brought the Earth into submission and fear. They have worshipped military might as their God, upheld by the whoredom of Money, where all Nation and Religion is found to be in her Bed. It is her Money deception that is used as peace, yet it is married to Weapons of Destruction.

10532903252?profile=RESIZE_710xIt is Peter (the Rock) Tosh, who made spiritual war on her financial Empire, (the World Trade Center) when he sang “The Day The Dollar Dies”, and became a Martyr on the first 9/11/ in1981, and as it is written “You Reap what you Sow”, and so it was repeated. 

It is Habakkuk who questioned the Creator as to why the more violent man gets the upper hand of the man that is less violent, and the Creator explain to him that it is He who gave them the authority to punish, but they have become arrogant.

This is clearly seen when America walked out of the Divided Nation when the Iranian President spoke against the Zionist of the Lie. Their arrogance have left them without any friends, not even Israel (who is like a female dog in heat), that is leading them to their own destruction.

If you are supporting a friend and sees them heading down a wrong path to destruction and try to show them the danger, and they look at you and silently tell you to shut up, how is is it you claim them as your friend even to sacrifice your life in their judgment? What Hamas did was destined so that those who claim to be chosen of God could be revealed that they are the worse of two evil. The History of America is that of a Republic, founded upon a Kingdom that built its foundation in James Town Virginia.

The King and the rich governed over the poorer class of his own people, and also those whom he made to become his slaves. The rich could not see themselves mingling with the slaves or even the poorer class of their own people, whom he made to become the overseer of his slaves. Because the overseer was the ones who interacted with the slaves, the slaves saw them more favorable than their master and whatever the rich desired to give to the poor, the overseer became the middleman.

The (rich) master is at the top, while the (poor) slave is at the bottom and so a new order was created called the middle. It is the middle who rebelled against their authority, the King because he refused to acknowledge the Law of the Creator that Rules over all, rich, middle and poor. Because of this the middle claim that they did not want a King to rule over them, because they saw him as being a Tyrant who answer to no one except himself, so they decided that the people should have a second choice and rebelled by rising up in the Revolutionary War to create another option which they call Democrats, thus introducing a two Party system so people have the option to choose.

Of course the slaves who had belong to the Republic, took to the Democrats, because they felt closer to the overseer because his behavior was more closer to them and he also mingled with them something the rich would not do. When the Creator allow the middle to take the authority in the Revolutionary War, the Country went from being called a Kingdom to a Queendom (Liberty) from the fall of Babylon the King, to the rise of Babylon the Great the Queen. The Creator allowed the middle to take the authority so they could obey the Law that the King refused to obey; instead she became twice as sinful as the king, her brutality against the Native Inhabitants, and the slaves only got worse, because she came up out of an uneducated and criminal class, who was pardoned of their crimes if they would come to the America to create a new Colony for the Crown.

They in turn were governed by greed, because there desire was not to help the poor rather to take the place of the King and acquire as much wealth as the rich. The Church came out of the middle where Cry'ist was crucified between two thieves and should have been Cry’ist representative on Earth, so that the rich brings the offering to them in order for them to distribute it amongst the poor. Instead they kept most of the wealth and food for themselves so that the poor went into poverty.

The other thing wrong with having a two party system is that it creates confusion when two people decide to make a single decision therefore nothing gets done. The governing of the Earth must return to a single decision maker that will replace the idol of Money, whose decision is not of himself, rather it is made according to the Law of the Creator of Life, who is over all people. And while they will tell you that the King represents Dictatorship, they have upheld the dictatorship of a Queen through the whoredom that is given the title of Liberty, whose dictatorship is hidden to those she has blinded by her education so that they are unable to see that the World has been ruled over by a One World Dictator called Money, the World Bank. It is this Dictatorship that is responsible for all the Evil that the Earth is faced with.

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