Wilderness Of Salome

                                                                                 WILDERNESS OF SALOME


                                                                         The Link


(News) In our lifetimes, we could see the first trillionaire. And, most likely, that first trillionaire would be Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates. That's according to research by Oxfam, an International Network of organizations collectively working to alleviate global Poverty. 


Its recently published report finds that eight billionaires from around the Globe have as much money as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the World's population. The report also finds that, given the exponential growth of existing wealth, the World could have its first trillionaire in the next (25 years), when Gates would be 86.


When Gates left Microsoft in 2006, his Net Worth was $50 billion, according to Oxfam. By 2016, his Wealth had increased to $75 billion, "despite his commendable attempts to (give it away) through his Foundation!" the report says.


In addition to the (charitable) work Gates does through his personal foundation, he is one of the founding members of (The Giving Pledge), a commitment from some of the richest individuals in the world to (give away) more than half of their worth.



(Spirit of Truth), There are those who measure their worth by the things that are not born of Life, rather it is given authority over Life by its inventors, and is called wealth, (Money) which they have used to manipulate, and keep the majority of people on the Earth in Poverty, for it is the mark of the Beast.


This invention promoted by Education, has deceived the poor into believing that it is a lack of education that have driven them into poverty, and to be liberated from their conditions they need to go to school in order to earn money. 


Money is been used as a tool to deny the people of their basic human rights, and so have forced many including children into prostitution, and abuse by those that possess it. The highest and most sophisticated form of prostitution is called Beauty Pageant, where women are been molded and idolized as being beautiful. 


Donald Trump became the owner of the Miss Universe Beauty Contest. His Grandfather came from Germany and made his fortune from running Restaurant and Hotel, to cater for the Gold Rush miners, that were slaughtering the Native Inhabitants in order to possess the Land they now claim to belong to them.



(News) Trump's grandfather was born in Germany, to parents who were employed by a vineyard. He moved to New York City in 1885 where he became (Delilah) a barber. After six years of this, Frederick Trump moved across the United States to Seattle, Washington, where he owned and operated what he referred to as a "decadent restaurant" that was actually called "Poodle Dog" in Seattle's red light district. 


Trump made his first fortune operating boom-town hotels, restaurants and brothels", is more accurate, according to the CBC news report, "'Donald Trump's grandfather ran Canadian brothel during the Gold Rush', author says". Author Gwenda Blair simply wrote, ""The bulk of the cash flow came from the sale of Liquor and Sex."


Trump moved to (the Count of) Monte Cristo, Wash. in 1894, and then four years later, shortly after the Klondike gold rush began, he relocated again to Bennett, British Columbia. Here he ran the "Actic Restaurant and Hotel".


He would next build the "White Horse restaurant and Inn" in Whitehorse, Yukon. An article published this year by Politico, explains that Frederick Trump sold off his investments and returned to Germany in 1901, as he sensed the end of the gold rush and a subsequent (end) to prostitution. 



(Spirit of Truth) It is written in Revelation Chap. 17, “Come I will show you the Judgment of the Great Whore, who have corrupted the Earth, with the wine of her fornication”.


Trump is descended from a German grandmother whose name was Elizabeth Christ ! His behavior is that of the Anti-Christ. The man who worship military might as a God, with his increase of the military budget, to protect the wealthy from the poverty they have enslaved the rest of the World to.


There is a mystic connection between Trump grandfather who had moved to Monte Cristo, in Washington, and the Movie made on the “Count of Monte Cristo” 


Another mystery is that he also set up shop, in Whitehorse, Yukon, where he built the “White Horse Inn”. Revelation, speaks of a rider on white horse.


Reading this Revelation, one would get the impression that this rider, is given authority to rule over the World, if you view the revelation through one eye. If you are able to see through the next  eye, then this revelation, can be weighed, and judge. 


The Laws of Life is balanced between opposite singularity. What is white is black, and what is black is white. Evil came out of Good, and Good is born from Evil. 


It is found in Gemini, Pisces and Libra, first made manifest in the Garden of Life, Cain and Abel, who also became the Roman twins that founded Rome.



Revelation 19:11 And I saw Heaven opened, and behold a “White Horse”; and he that sat upon him was called (Faithful and True), and in (Righteousness) he doth judge and make war. 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.


19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 19:14 And the armies which were in Heaven followed him upon White Horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.


19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the Nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of God. 19:16 And he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, (KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS).



(Spirit of Truth) Why would one man wear many crowns? It is the crowns of the ten kings that gave the beast their power, spoken of in Revelation 17.



Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 17:12 And the ten horns which thou saw are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.



(Spirit of Truth) Note the Revelation also speak of the rider on the white horse that out of his mouth  went a sharp sword. 


Trump grandfather opened the “White Horse” Inn, and at his inauguration speech, he constantly spoke about giving the power back to the people, which is the motto of Arkansas, (The People Rule) whose State  Seal has a sword with the word justice, written on it!


It is also written that he shall rule the Nation with a rod of Iron! This is also found in Revelation Chap, 12. The woman who bore the man child that was caught up to Heaven, and whom it is said shall rule the Nation with a rod of Iron!


This is a spiritual manifestation of (Christ) Cry’ist. Trump grandmother name was  Christ before she got married. From the time the Truth was silenced (crucified) the Lie or the Anti-christ have ruled the Earth with a rod of Iron until now. 


It is the Romans who vesture was dipped in blood, for it is they that have ruled the Earth with a rod of Iron. The Church became the Christ of the Lie, (Anti-christ) whose thousand year rule and persecution of the of the Truth and the Righteous is about to come to an end.


For the people of the Earth, who over-stand the Truth, there is no such thing as a Heaven that is above, nor is there a Hell that is below. Both Heaven and Hell exists amongst the Living.



Exodus 34:6 And the Creator passed by before him, that is merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and Truth, 34:7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, yet, He will not allow the guilty; to go unpunished; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth Generation.


34:8 And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the Earth, and gave praises. 34:9 And he said, If now I have found grace in Your sight, O my Creator, I pray thee, go among us; for it is a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for thine Inheritance.



(Spirit of Truth) It is Pharaoh, that the Creator allowed to call down the final Judgment. By Trump desire to build a wall in order to keep the people across the border line from coming to America!


He has brought to fulfillment the prophesy that says, “every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree”.


The Great Judgment Book is opened on the Laws that Govern the Earth, and to whom the Land was entrusted to, not by theft or murder and rape, rather by the Laws that Govern over all Life in the Flesh.


Donald Trump is the third generation from German descent, and like Pharaoh, brought down the Judgment upon the fourth generation. 


All Israel, which is found in Babylon The Great must now return to the Ancestral Borders of their family. 


Israel who have been scattered across the Earth, in chains, and whose Ancestral inheritance, have been divided up amongst those that enslaved and oppressed them, must themselves give back all that they took from others, including America, and no military might will prevail.


For their hardship and suffering, the Creator had promised to give scattered Israel all the Land on which their Ancestors toiled (under the chains of iron) into their possession, as an Inheritance.


The Earth will then return to its Origin, when all Nation have returned to their Ancestral Homeland and Israel receive the inheritance of her Labor, all Nation will be United under One Universal Order.


This One Universal order, will itself surrender to the Law and Authority, through which all Life Exists. This is called the Zero Order, where “every knee must bow, and every tongue confess, that Truth is the Supreme Authority”.


It is from the Zero Authority, which is the Beginning (the state on nothingness) that One, (Adam) was given   authority, to have dominion over Life, (King Nebuchadnezzar). as written within the Book of Daniel.


The Earth is given New Life, when One, return to Zero, (or nothingness), as written in the Book of Revelation, I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth.


Blessed is the man that return life to the Zero Authority, (the Prodigal son) it is he that have been taken from amongst the Lie of the Earth, (where Heaven and Hell exists, side by side), waiting on the the Eternal Judgment of rebirth. 


Those resisting the return of the Earth to its Creator, are the stiff neck fools, who by claiming ownership to the Land, have made themselves its lords (Land-lords) and have made war upon the 24th Psalms. 24 is also 6, when turned upside down is 9.


Trump goes from being a numerical 9 President in 2016 which was also a numerical 9 year, to taking the oath of office in 2017 a numerical 1 year. This can be seen as a leap year also. 


To go from the highest number, which is 9, and return to the Beginning at 1, (which is self) when 0 (zero) is the lowest number, one had to skip over it.


This year, is the year of division, and unity, not only amongst the people, in the Creation also. 2017  adds up to 10 (the Commandments) and 10, is, 1 + 0. In Numbers, Zero is not counted.


Zero represents the people in the Earth that are not counted, they are the outcast, it is the dwelling place of Hell. Those that took up the cross, are those that choose to live amongst the people that live in Hell, and is born of humility.


When Zero replaces One as the I Am, the Foundation of the Earth will again be established. Heaven will bow in submission, when Hell is resurrected out of its suffering, and the Earth will have Eternal Peace.


The One that has surrendered to (Zero) nothingness, is the I Am, that have existed before all that is called man, race, language, religion, gods, kings, queens, or any other authority, that is given speech that is born from the sound of silence, Zero.


When a mans faith is conceived within Zero, he is not obligated to any, all is obligated to him. In my weakness, (that lives within all flesh), the Gates of Hell, and the Doors of Heaven, is placed upon I shoulders, until it is removed, when I am given New Birth, that is promised by the Creator.


The child of Truth, born to the woman, (whose face is the Sun), was not caught up into the Heaven at birth, rather he was sent as written, to the place of nothing, amongst the people of the Earth that live in the Hell (extreme Poverty) created by those that made themselves the lords of the Land, from which they were born.


As Truth would reveal itself to Saint Francis of Assisi (the barefoot saint), that purity dwell in poverty, and as Saint Clair who first followed him, and became his bride, asked not to be loved, rather that she love, not to be served, rather that she serve, she also became selfless and by doing so was able to truly love herself. 


There marriage was consecrated in (poverty) purity, to become the servant of the poor, by themselves being poor, who sought charity from those that lived in heaven, who was generous, to those living in Hell where the True Heaven is found.  


I have decided to share the Testimony of my Sister, who was lead away by the superficial beauty, and its trappings, until she was taken into the wilderness where the Creator spoke to her heart and took her out of the illusion.


What she gave up is what the majority of women on these Social Network dream of achieving. They spend their life striving to get the attention given to those that society call beautiful, those that live (exist) outside of their Natural self. 


To those lead by the society, my Sister (who has the same Surname as my oldest friend in music, drummer, Carlton “Santa” Davis) is looked upon as being crazy for letting go the false image of being recreated, to holding on to her Created Natural self. 


I edited her testimony by removing that which became her spiritual weakness, for half way along her journey, she like others, (because of doctrine), would run into the stumbling stone that one must overcome, (through resurrection), in order to embrace Truth, that is of the Living, and not the Dead.


Even though those that are called elders, was of help to her in the beginning of her journey, it is only solid food that can liberate her, and bring honor to the pride of loving her Natural self, and give her strength against the forces that desire to violate the spirit in her of wanting to do good. 


Money is being used to keep many sisters from doing good. Those that have money, use it to prey upon those that are denied having it, so that to live they have to accept the abuse, to do what they would prefer not to do. 


Money is being used by those living in heaven, (without any moral conviction, because they are the children of Sodom) to take advantage of those that live in the Hell that money have also Created. 


All Religions that are established in the heaven that Money have established, is of the Lie, and have already been cast out of the Heaven that are above the heaven, and unless they repent of the Lie, and do what is right, there is no forgiveness. 


It is in Panama that my sister was honored by her peers in the Miss Universe Contest. Panama also ministers to I by way of a sister that is born there, and is of the Star Leo.


The Spirit that is leading my sister to do good, is bigger than the one she allowed to lead her, and this is why she was able to make the sacrifices that she did, against the hardship that it would bring. 


The Culture that is born out of Truth, have now become nothing more than material worship, that have been placed above spiritual awakening, so that the males in the society are reduced to becoming sissies in their spirit, and others in flesh. 


They have handed over their responsibility to women (living in their fallen nature, Education) seeking  recognition from those that are their Educator, those that are the materialistic worshippers in society.


The material world govern over all that is called religion, without exception, and they have become the enemy of (Cry’ist) Truth, that condemn their manmade material inventions that is about to bring the Earth to destruction, and the Money, causes them to live in denial.  


It is (Cry’ist) Truth that had to lay down his life in order to free Eve and purify her Spirit. (Ephesians Chap 5)


I will not allow my sisters (who are obedient to the laws that teaches them to learn in silence), to fall and not become a strength to them in their weakness. How is it possible to learn in silence, when there is no one that is qualified by Truth to teach?


When a sister who accept humility, stumbles, because error is found within the doctrine that she followed, she will not be judged, as long as she keep Faith, (that is above any religion that one is lead by) Alive.


My sister choose to identify with the suffering and ridicule found within Truth. Those that choose to live  the Lie, measure their pride by their slave master standard, as to how and what a respectable and distinguished person should be, look and sound like. 


To not live up to the expectations, of ones parent (who become comfortable in theirs master world), is a letdown to most family, and many were made to become strangers that have brought disgrace and embarrassment to their family pride, especially if the family is respected in the Community.


As Cry’ist would reveal when he was teaching, and he was told that his family came to see him! He had to reveal to them that his True family were those that did the Will of the Creator, just as he told his parents at the Festival, when he was 12 years old, “He had to be about his Fathers Business”.


Those in the society, whose ability and talent, allowed them to achieve far more than what the average  person who strive can attain could, they carry the deepest wounds, when they let go of the pride of man.


There are two type of followers in life; those that give up nothing in order to follow, because they had nothing to give up in the first place, and are seeking to gain material vanity. These are the ones that accept the Christ of the prosperity ministry. 


They have food, clothing and shelter, yet is not satisfied. They are calling upon the prosperity Christ, who instead of healing them, have made them to become blind so as not to see those that have been denied these basic rights of existence.  


They will become the enemy of those who tell them that it is not a crime to be physically poor, as long as they  are spiritually rich, and allow Truth to be their guide, knowing that there are those found to be poorer than they are.


It is the duty of the Churches, to care for the helpless, and while they are exempt from paying taxes, they are allowed to make millions of dollar a day, from the people whom they rob in the name of God, and who have to pay their taxes, or they will be prosecuted by what they have installed to replace the Eternal Laws. 


The Church have made the State into a God, therefore they are giving privileges, as long as they keep the deception alive, by keeping the (Cry’ist of) Truth, confined to the Hell they have created on Earth, a hell that is now preying upon the Babes and Sucklings.


There are those who have made sacrifices by giving up the things that others seek and take pride in, these are the chosen spirits on Earth, whose testimony rises up out of the written Words of Truth, made manifest in the Holy Bible.  


To shed success, (suck-cess-pool) and take up the cross of (death) Life, is to be presented with the degrees that are associated with scorn, rejection and suffering. It is only by conviction, that one choose to follow the life of a Crucified Cry'ist, even though they did not see clearly.


Such spirits will not remain in a state of semi-consciousness, forever. They are born to see clearly, when the hidden Truth is brought to Light and is made manifest, through them, and those that are the accusers, is blinded by the illuminated light of Truth.


It will be revealed that it is those governing the society, who are the truly Crazy, when the shield of protection, that they call the law, and the weapons that upholds it, is taken from them. 


Those that choose humility (Zero) over pride, (One) are those that possess the spirit of conviction, which is of the Creator, and not of man, and the more you persecute such spirits, it is the stronger  their conviction become. 


My sister conviction for doing good might have been swayed spiritually, because of the darkness found within the elders that taught her, to whom the fulness of wisdom was not granted! It was given to their rebellious children, who saw the ill of their parents.


I am born older than those that are old, because of the wisdom granted I from above, and younger than the new born, for I still await my birth into the New Earth, where New wine is placed in New wineskin. 


24 is the number through which I am granted Life! It is 24 Hours that make a Day, and 2 + 4 = 6. 6 upside down is 9, which is the highest number, before returning to 0, and represents the humility of man when I, becomes nothing, and if my sister became nothing, then she resides in Truth. 


Those that never choose the path that lead to nothing, (in its highest positive value), can never know or practice true humility. It is from nothingness that Life is granted, to the truly humble, who have been brought into the fulness of Light, of which the declaration of Rights was proclaimed (in the 24th Psalms), and where the 24 Elders had to bow and give praises.    


I identify with my sister, as revealed in the Book of the Prophet Hosea! This is why it becomes my duty, to become a sacrifice, so that all my sisters scattered across the Earth, that are trampled upon because they find themselves in the wilderness of spiritual drought, that has caused many that were strong to stumble and fall.


There are sisters who followed the teachings of brothers out of what they conceive to be love, (led by emotions), until they discover that their spirit did not find rest, because there is no clarity found within the doctrine they have been lead by, and so turned back into the Desert of spiritual and physical prostitution.


There are others, because of the cross they had to carry, and the rejection of family, find it difficult to  let go of their error, because of the shame and condemnation that it would bring upon them


What they do to save face, is continue to hold fast to the doctrine, even though they know that it is not made perfect in Truth. It is more about saving face, even though they know that what they follow it is not of Truth totally.


If my sisters, (the I-Threes) that sang with Bob Marley, were following a doctrine that is grounded in the Truth, then one can only go from strength to strength, not strength to weakness.


Unlike Peter, Bob did not choose to embrace his African image (culturally) on stage in his way of dress. He chose to conform to the adornment of sin, from his European ancestry. Yet he did not allow his sisters to carry themselves in this image of impurity on stage, and it is they who upheld the strength and Identity as women of purity and integrity.


I see my Sisters today, in their maturity, as mothers and grandmothers, and there is nothing of strength for the young generation of sisters to follow, why?


To be born of the Living Truth, is  to be like a Tree planted by the Rivers of Waters, that cannot be moved, and Abide Forever. 


Judy Mowatt, claim that she has accepted Christianity, (maybe because Bob on his death bed, gave his commitment to Cry'ist) yet Bob without knowing it, was already committed to Cry’ist, the Revolutionist. 


When she first profess to be of the Rastafarian faith, she and the other sisters carried themselves in a manner that was royal of a woman, both in purity, and dignity as Cry’ist (that was denied by Rastas) would have them to practice. 


Now that she claim to have crossed over to the Christian faith, where Cry’ist should be the teacher, she removes the outward appearance of strength, and purity, to be transformed into the whoredom of the queen of Babylon and her beauty parlor!


The problem is this, those that follow the doctrine of Rastas without the Spirit of Cry’ist, is no different than those that follow Christ, without the humility found in the image of Rasta. 


Together they represents the physical and the spiritual, and those that desire to separate them are without over standing and love, and will stumble and fall. 


The Truth is found within Cry’ist of the Spirit, and not the Christ found within the Church of the material (whoredom), prosperity,  whom the world and its religion follow.


It is easier for Rastas to accept Christianity, (of which they are its roots), than for the Christians to accept Rastas, because of the image of humility, even though, there are those amongst the Rastas that are lifted up in the same material pride, as the Church, and wearing the image of humility as a deception.


The Apple is the fruit that is used symbolically, to depict the physical fall of Eve, could it be that the Avocado is linked to her spiritual fall! 


My personal number is 24, which is 2+4=6, and 6 upside down is 9, and 9+1= the 10 Commandment of Live and Death given to Man.Warfare cannot be acting to have followers.

All who have watched this Video, and believe that warfare, have anything to do with being popular, that those who are into entertainment crave. I too who came out of some of the best like my Sister could have gone in many direction.

How long can a man remain a child and live outside of himself, I too had to put down childish things. How does a man go home and sleep with his wife, when there is danger to the Children?

A True leader is one who is fearless in battle. He puts on his battle armor, and stand in the front line of battle. I had to hang up my harp, and dust off my tattered battle uniform, to come alive from out of the Living Hell.

For those who does not know my war emblem, Isaiah the Prophet speak of it several times, the Cock-a-trice, the King of Serpents.


As my sister (who has the name of my oldest friend in music drummer Carlton (Santa) Davis) rightfully said, “to take on something without conviction”, is to become like those that are blown in every direction at the same time. This is why the word backsliding is constantly being used in the Churches. 


One does not give up conviction, which is born from within those that accepts the manifestation of the Creator within him or herself. Such spirits are lead to follow their inner feelings, rather than the doctrine they follow, and will easily come to the knowledge of the Truth.


To give up doctrine that is of error, does not mean you give up conviction. All you are doing is to bring one self to the place of Freedom of the Spirit, found within Truth. Those that denied this freedom, were the ones that asked Cry’ist what is Truth. 


Those that choose to follow after Truth, is treated as being different, and therefore considered to be mad because the society says so. Cry’ist was called mad! Paul whom he resurrected, and revealed the Truth to, was called mad, because of his great learning. 


Saint Francis of Assisi, who choose poverty on Saint Matthias Day, (the 24th of February), in order to physically identify with the poor that were living in hell, was called mad.


There is a sister from Haiti, Mary, that helps in the care of my Mother, not only are they both born under the star Virgo, they both have three sons. 


She told me of a dream she had a year ago, where a voice spoke to her and said, “When the dog begin to speak, Gods Kingdom is coming”! I informed her, that Dog read backward is God, and it made her even more convince about the dream. 


To add to the revelation, I am spiritually born Ben-jah-min, called a Wolf (dog), and it so happens that the dream that she made known to I before the election in America, have become manifest. 


The man chosen to become President of America, in the Chinese, is born in the year of the “Fire Dog”, the one that have begun to speak, as her dream revealed long before the election.


What is the link between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. They are the two that represented the people in the election, and both of them have made their home in New York City. 


Hillary whose husband became President of America, was also the Governor of Little Rock Arkansas, whose motto is “The People Rule”. It is a motto that Trump would constantly make reference to in his inauguration speech, reminding the people that he is giving back the power to them. 


In the Chinese Astrology (who predicted his victory), Trump is born on a female Earth Sheep Day, in a male Wood Horse Month, on a male “Fire Dog” Year.  


Hillary Clinton  is born on an Earth Tiger Day, in a Metal Dog Month, and a “Fire Pig” Year. 2017 the Year of the “Fire Rooster”


The head of the Country and Republican party, is a “Dog”, while the woman that was made head of the Democratic party is a “Pig”, which again adds to the fulfillment of prophecy. It is Peter in the 2nd Book who spoke of them both.



2 Peter 2:18 For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.


2:19 While they promise them Liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man or woman is overcome, of the same is he and she brought in bondage.


2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Creator and His Truth, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 


2:21 For it had been better for them not to have known the way of Righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the Holy Commandment delivered unto them. 2:22 It has happened unto them according to the True Proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the pig that was washed back to her wallowing in filth.



(Spirit of Truth) Hillary Clinton and her husband made their fortune by ruling over the poor, from Little Rock Arkansas, across the Sea to Haiti.


In the 2017 Miss Universe Page-ant, that was held in the Philippines where Miss France (the mistress) won the title, and Haiti (the servant girl), was her runner up.


The Miss Universe was held in the Philippines where the former winner (who is mixed with German) is from, and where poverty and the exploitation of girls, rival that in Haiti. 


Why is there so much poverty and sexual abuse against children, in this Country, when they have been an allied of America, who occupied the Country as a military base for over a hundred years, and when they finally left, (because of Natural Disaster), all that the Country inherited is poverty amongst the outcast children fathered by American soldiers that they have never seen all their life. 



                                                         The U.S. Occupation (1898-1946)


(History) The first Philippine Republic was short-lived. Spain had lost a war with the United States. The Philippines was illegally ceded to the United States at the Treaty of Paris for US$20 million, together with Cuba and Puerto Rico. A Filipino-American War broke out as the United States attempted to establish control over the Islands. 


The war lasted for more than 10 years, resulting in the death of more than 600,000 Filipinos. The little-known war has been described by historians as the "first Vietnam", where US troops first used tactics such as strategic hamleting and scorched-Earth policy to "pacify" the Natives.


The United States established an economic system giving the colonizers full rights to the Country's resources. The Spanish feudal system was not dismantled; in fact, through the system of land registration that favored the upper Filipino classes, tenancy became more widespread during the US occupation. 


A Native elite, including physicians trained in the United States, was groomed to manage the economic and political system of the Country. The U.S. also introduced western models of educational and health-care systems which reinforced elitism and a colonial mentality that persists to this day, mixed with the Spanish feudal patron-client relationship.


Militant peasant and workers' groups were formed during the U.S. occupation despite the repressive situation. A movement for Philippine independence, involving diverse groups, continued throughout the occupation. A Commonwealth government was established in 1935 to allow limited self-rule but this was interrupted by the Second World War and the Japanese occupation. 


The guerrilla movement against Japanese fascism was led mainly by socialists and communists, known by their acronym, HUKS. Shortly after the end of the Second World War, the flag of independence was regained although the U.S. imposed certain conditions, including the disenfranchisement of progressive political parties, the retention of U.S. military bases, and the signing of economic agreements allowing the U.S. continued control over the Philippine economy.



(Spirit of Truth) How do you hold a Beauty Page-ant within all this poverty and suffering that surround the people, where children are sexually exploited by the “Tourist Industry, that is built by those with Money to travel around the Globe and spread their sins and diseases amongst, those locked out  of the “money game”.


Another mystery (or link up) is that Miss Haiti the first runner up, said she was happy to be in the Country, because her mother side of the family is Pilipino! 



                                        Miss Haiti Raquel Pelissier - Miss Universe 2017 Runner-Up


(News) Last night, the new Miss Universe 2017 was crowned and the winner was Miss France, with Miss Haiti as the first-runner-up. Miss Haiti Raquel Pelissier used the night to talk about the strength she feels her Country has and how important it is for women to be themselves and make the most out of life! 


In an interview with GMA Network, Pelissier stated that: Before coming here in the Philippines, I was really excited because from my mom’s side, I have Pilipino blood, and since I was little, they used to tell me that I never lived with that side of the family, but I’m interested in learning about the Culture and that’s why I’m happy to be here. 



(Spirit of Truth) The Philippines is one of the Countries (because of the poverty), that have become a “tourist heaven” for those with Money, who can use it to prey upon, and sexually assault and abuse young children. 


Even those with not much money, find that they are rich when they visit these Countries around the Earth, where people without money have no value or worth, they are considered to be the living dead, who have actually made their home amongst the dead.


Their money becomes the privacy, and privilege that allows them to take advantage of the have-not, for they are able to hide their crimes against the helpless, or buy their guilt, so that they are above being  prosecuted. 


As Bill Gates (born in the Chinese year of the Sheep) say, "money is privacy", while Donald Trump (born on a sheep day, in a fire Dog year) is talking about making America great again.


How much greater should America be, when the President who speaks, is called a Billionaire? I guess he want America to be great enough, so that Bill Gates can becomes the first Trillionaire,  which he also hope to attain.


If ten people are in a house, and each is given one dollar, and the next day you visit the house, one of the ten have two dollar, and there is only nine people in the house, and you are told that one died and is buried and has willed his dollar to the one who has two.


Now the next day you return, the same man have three dollars because they claim that another had died and will his dollar to him also. This went on until he had five dollars from four death.  


The following week you decide to visit the house again, and find that the same man now have six dollars, and this time no one had died, and then he had seven, then eight without any further death.


After he had nine dollars he became contented that one man was allowed to keep his dollar because he was his most obedient accomplice. Those who were left alive, and had their dollar taken from them were the ones that were complaining that they wanted their equal share, of the dead men dollar. 


By taking away their dollar from them, and keeping them alive, he now, (without killing), created a society of living dead, who can pose no threat of taking back their dollar, many of them have been  driven to actually live on top of the dead, as seen in the Philippine.  


How is it that those that call themselves billionaires can boast of giving away half of what they are worth to charity, when poverty is on the increase worldwide, and Bill Gate who is the head of one of these charities, will soon go from being called a Billionaire to become the first Trillionaire?


The richer, one makes themselves, the poorer others become yet they will boast of the charitable works they are doing for those that have nothing! when it is theirs action that have created the have not, through money monopoly.


On  the other hand they are teaching that education is the key to unlock poverty, and use it as a deception to hide their sins.  


They are the Hypocrites, that have become one with the Church, who also boast of the charitable work they are doing in the name of Christ.


Yet it is the same Cry’ist, they turned against, when he showed them up for their Hypocrisy, by telling them that “Any man that would be as he, let him give up all his material possession and take up his cross (sufferings) and follow him, and they became exposed. 



Mark 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 8:35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.


8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 8:37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 8:38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of Truth be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the Holy Angels.



(Spirit of Truth) This saying became the stumbling stone, sent to announce, that there is none “righteous, not one”. Those that will say that money is not evil, that it is the love of it, then it will become a testimony against them, in this Judgment.


Money allow those that have it to abuse others, who because of not having money, become a subject and a slave to the abuse. 


When Children are made the victim of this abuse, and the Church and the Government of the world does nothing , because they too are involved, then this is the reality and warfare that I am faced with. 


For I to sit down smoke some Herbs, then focus my energy into talking about Emperor Haile Selassie is Kings of Kings, means that I too is living outside of reality, and has become a part of the Evil.


If this is warfare and not a drill, where are the warriors that is on the battlefield fighting in Jah Army?  With the help of the Creator, that have kept I over the years, I have not found any to be on the battlefield of Truth, in Sodom called Babylon the Great. 


It is I and the Creator who is my shield, that have taken a stand against those who thought that they were made victorious over I, because I have been wounded. They should not forget that my  History in terms of being a soldier on the battlefield is uncompromising. 


The only war that is being fought amongst the descendants of slaves, is the war against themselves over the material things that they covet and envy each other for, and the money used in the raping of the innocent. 


I have no sympathy or love for the defenders of this Evil whoever they be. Of all the Tribes of the Earth, the only one that should have a total hatred for Money, are those that were taken into Bondage. 


It is because they were looked upon as a product with a monetary value, why they suffered the cruelty of Slavery. So how is it that the jail of their slave masters are filled with them, and if you do a survey as to why they are in jail, it will lead you to the doorstep of money!


For a people to become an enemy of themselves by defending the tool of their enslavement, is to be one of the most demon possessed people, that is hopelessly lost, because they have accepted (Slavery) Money as life.


All they desire is to have a good time, in sin, (that poverty have denied them), and the only way into having a good time, is Money, and the things it buy, they have no desire for Riches, that is incorruptible.  


Those that claim to be fighting a righteous war through music, have become nothing more than vanity worshippers, hiding behind an illusion, and is too afraid to face reality, therefore they too are responsible for the violation of these innocent Children.


War is nothing new to my name, I have always been fighting on the battlefield. This time it is on the battlefield to protect the innocent that are living in Hell with no protection, because they have no money.


All who claim to be at war and is not at war with the great evil of money, should know this, there is no powers on Earth, that will save them from the wrath that is about to be unleashed upon this Earth. The fool and his money (that does not belong to him) will soon vanish, from the Creation.


Although Ben-jah-min (the Tribe of my birth) means son of my right hand, it is my left hand that have been made strong, to save the goats that are cast into Hell. 


As President Donald Trump would say and still not fear, "the only power that is greater than America is God Himself".


When Heaven and Hell which is Truth and Love is united, the rest of the World and all their Religion will be left naked and exposed, without any defenses, "words from the Cock-a-trice mouth".


Those that measure success by the amount of money they possess, does not know that the more they desire to have, is the deeper they fall in the bottomless pit. As the old saying goes, “Everyday the bucket goes to the Well, one day the bottom will drop out.


Written in the seventh Book of the Old Testament, Judges, from which Judgment comes, it is Samson  that took both the Doors and the City Gates to the top of the Hill.


Judges 16:1 Then went Samson to Gaza, and saw there a harlot, and went in unto her. 16:2 And it was told the Gazites, saying, Samson is come hither. And they compassed him in, and laid wait for him all night in the Gate of the City, and were quiet all the night, saying, In the morning, when it is day, we shall kill him.


16:3 And Samson lay till Midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the Doors of the Gate of the City, and the two posts, and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, (on which the Government shall be) and carried them up to the top of a Hill that is before Hebron. 16:4 And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.


 The “Door” and the “Gate” is mentioned of in the 24th Psalms, and the “Hill” is spoken of in the Beatitudes. (You are the light of the World, A City set on a Hill, cannot be hid)



Psalms 24:7 Lift up your heads, O you “Gates”; and be lifted up, you Everlasting “Door”; and the King of Glory shall come in. 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The Creator Strong and Mighty, He who is Mighty in Battle.


24:9 Lift up your heads, O you Gates; even lift them up, you Everlasting Door; and the King of Glory shall come in. 24:10 Who is this King of Glory? The Creator of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Selah.



(Spirit of Truth) I would like to share a link, and it is that of two Movies. One is titled, the “Count of Monte Cristo”, and the other is “Salome Where She Dance”. The reason for sharing them is spiritual.



(History) Donald Trump's grandfather ran Canadian brothel during Gold Rush', author says". Author Gwenda Blair simply wrote, ""The bulk of the cash flow came from the sale of Liquor and Sex." Trump moved to Monte Cristo, Wash. in 1894.


(Spirit of Truth) Trump grandfather, moved his business to “Monte Cristo”, and there is the movie titled “The Count of Monte Cristo”.


I decided to watch the movie, and found that it has a spiritual link about an African girl who was sold as a slave along with her mother by a General, whose protection they were placed under. This seem to find fulfillment in the words of the Prophet Ezekiel in the 16th Chapter.


I will share the link for this Movie in my next Revelation, as it seem to be linked more closely to that revelation than the one I am now sharing. 


I am sharing the link of the second one “Salome Where She Danced” because of the context of this revelation, and the testimony of Miss Antigua and her passion for Dance.


Salome is a name linked to the daughter of an an Adulterous woman who had her danced for the king, that she was having an affair with, and made her ask for the head of John the Baptist.


By chance I stumbled upon this Movie, when I was searching Donald Trump Chinese Astrology charts, and found, that his Year is male Fire, and Red Dog.



Trump grandfather being a Saloon owner, and Trump is a Red Dog, in the Chinese. This is what drew my attention to this Movie. 


Salome was kidnapped from the Red Dog Saloon by a soldier that she fell in love with, whose roots is (that of my Mother), Scotland. 


He was one who fought under General Lee, and claim to knows nothing but fighting all his life, the fighting spirit of the Nugent, (my Father, the French).


Salome was also desired by a German Baron, (Trump having both German and Scottish in his roots) who was killed by the Scottish soldier. There is also a Chinese philosopher in the Movie.


She ends up leaving the Red Dog Saloon e in the wilderness, to follow her heart and the man she fell in love with, who resembled the man she was first in love with, who is of royal ancestary. 


It is to Virginia she went to start a new life. Virginia being the first slave State, founded under the reign of King James, from the house of the Royal Stewart of Scotland.


Note that he quoted the Psalms “By the Rivers of Babylon”, for he is descended from the spirit of slaves, whose flesh I am. Benjahmin the Tribe from which I am born, was told to kidnap the dancing girls in order to have wives.    



Judges 21:19 Then they said, Behold, there is a feast of the Creator in (Salome) Shiloh yearly in a place which is on the North side of Bethel, on the East side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the South of Lebonah.


21:20 Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, Go and lie in wait in the vineyards; 21:21 And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance, then come  out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.


“Salome Where She Danced” Link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZZIjja7Esk