The Book Of Jobs

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                        THE  BOOK OF JOB

When one over-stand the power of death and resurrection, then that which man claim to be dead is given new life, only recognized by the man through whom this life is revealed. Because Religion teaches that resurrection has to do with people coming back from the grave in the same manner that they left, then people is hoping to see their loved ones in the same way that they left.

The resurrection of the dead finds fulfillment within the living, who is able to bear testimony that spiritually supports his claim to life from the dead. Steve Jobs the inventor of the Apple Computer share the same Earth-day as I, the 24th of February. That which he was inspired to do, enable thousands of people to have a job and also served a a vehicle to share the Truth to the many.

A job is tied to labor, but the same word job can also mean free from labor. This is found in the Old Testament Book of the Bible, the big Black book of Job. The Book of Genesis speaks of the Creation of the Earth. It is said that the Earth, was created out of Void, which is Zero, and began in Darkness, which is the reflection of the Night, and out of Darkness came Light, which is a reflection of the Day and so the number One came to birth. Zero and One is also reflected as Black and White.

It is also written that in the Garden of Life, the death of man came through, woman. It is her that decided to follow the Sin that entered into Life. This is also made manifest within the Book of Job, he who did not transgress against the Laws of Life even when he was put to the test.

Those that was allowed to take his Wealth, offered it to his wife, who told her husband Job, why don’t he curse his Creator and get a common job. This is when she liberated herself to become a Pillar of Salt “Statue Of Liberty”.

His wife who ate of the forbidden fruit, is also a revealing of the Apple logo that is on the Mac Computer. Apart from Steve Jobs sharing the same Earth-day as I. I middle name by I Mother is Stewart, and when you read the interpretation of the name, it is linked to the Computer also.

I am Job the Night from which Steve who created the job, and is of the Day is given Resurrection. What I say can only be over-stood by the people that are enlightened spiritually. As Steve Jobs would say “The heaviness of being successful, is replace by the lightness of being (a beginner) born again. I who am Rich, is also I who is Poor.