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Ethiopia Shall Stretch Out Her Hands


Romans 11. I ask then: Did the Creator reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite, a descendant of Abram, from the tribe of Ben’jah-min. The Creator did not reject his people, whom he foreknew. What did the Scripture says in the passage abou

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Voice Of Habakkuk Earth Groans


                                                                      THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH

The Creator answered I: “Write the Vision; make it plain on Tablets, (Commandments) so he may Run who reads it. For the Vision awaits its appointed T

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Resurrection Of Peace


                                                                           MUSICAL RESURRECTION.

John 16:31+ Jah'sus answered them, “Do you now believe? Behold, the Hour is coming, indeed it has Come, when you will be scattered, each to his own

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Death Of Education


                                                                            2022 THREE JUBILEE YEAR

I was born 20 years before I Time so that I Physical birth and I Spiritual birth would become 1. This became the Destiny of Jonah, and the manifest

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Fools Die


Wisdom gave birth to knowledge; Knowledge gave birth to education; Education deny the Authority of Wisdom by divorcing herself from her Foundation in rebellion and worshipped the Darkness (Iron Age) of Her Invention. Her teachings that is reffered

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Musical House Of David

Because darkness exists within the House of Israel, those that claim to be of the Truth, have made war with Truth. They claim to uphold the right, yet wrong doing and division dwell amongst them. Unification is only made posssible with the establish

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The 400 Years Harvest

(Spirit of Truth) The Testimony that I bear is that of one who is given resurrection from the grave, so that what I say is both personal, spiritual and Historical. It is for the personal that one is not accepted. One cannot bear witness or testim

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Prince Of Peace


                                                                          THE MUSICAL MINISTRY OF HABAKKUK.

 The resurrected Cry’ist in the flesh is also the resurrected Moses, and is the resurrection of the Prophets, Apostles and Saint. This resur

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Diamond Of Anak Krakatoa


                                                                            MUSIC OF ANAK KRAKATOA

(Spirit of Truth) Greetings to the people who are of the Light, and to those that are on the battlefield for the liberation of Life. There is a time

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Weeping Blood Dimond

                                                                    Vision of the Weeping Woman.

2 Esdras 38 When I said these things in my heart, I lifted up my eyes and saw a Woman on my right, and behold, she was mourning and weeping with a loud vo

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Unless The Days Are Shortened

                                                                                         HABAKKUK 2

Woe to him who gets Evil gain for his House, to set his Nest (eagle) on high, to be safe from the reach of harm! You have devised shame for your house 

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400 Year Judgment

                                                                              STONE OF DESTINY

(Spirit of Truth) The Mayor of NYC is Eric Adams, and the Governor is Kathy Hochul. Before taking office the incoming Mayor decided to visit Ghana to celeb

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Truth Stands Predominant

                                                                       The Fifth Vision Of Esd-ras (Lion condemns Eagle).  

2 Esdras. 1 On the second night I had a dream, and behold, there came up from the Sea an Eagle that had twelve feathered wing

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Devil Conquer Evil


                                                                                THE DEVIL IS VICTORIUS

It is written, Woe to those that call Good Evil, and Evil Good. You have been taught that the Devil is evil, and that God is Good! This is ju

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Astoria Is Asteria


The Cockatrice is a Mythical Creature that is Part Rooster and part Crocodile. The Rooster is the Symbol of Alertness and Vigilance. The Crocodile is the symbol of Wisdom. Knowledge, and New Beginning. Unless one can see through the third eye, they

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Soloman The Resurrected

                                                                                               THE COPPER KING

Within the National Prayer of Jamaica, it is written "Grant True "Wisdom" From Above", and on the Coat Of Alms, there is a "Crocodile" sitti

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Thanks Giving Final Revelation


                                                                                    THANKS GIVING FINAL WARNING.

Greetings to the people that are seekers of Light;

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                                                                                               SONG BIRD

(Spirit of Truth) Greetings to the People of Life and Light, those that live above the ignorance found in the darkness that rules over the

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Adam And Eve Music One


(Spirit of Truth) Greetings to the People who are of Life, and are the defenders of Life: If one is not on the battlefield to uphold Life, then they are not of Truth. It is Truth that conqueror all that is called Gods, Kings, Queens, Emperors, or

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Mark Of The Dictator

                                    Judges Rule New York City Vaccine Mandate for School Workers Can Proceed


(News) The Empire State's Hospitals dismissed or suspended dozens of workers for failing to meet a Monday deadline requiring workers ge

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