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Fifth Vision


The Bermuda Triangle, sometimes called the Devil's Triangle, is reputedly an area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. A number of aircraft and surface vessels are said to have disappeared in the triangle under unknown circumstances. Pop

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The Universal Tree Of The Olympics


                                                                                 Replacing The Living Tree 

Daniel 4:10 Thus were the Visions of mine head in my bed; I saw, and behold a Tree in the midst of the Earth, and the height thereof was grea

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I and I


                                                                                               Diamond Jubilee 

 2012 a number 5 year, Queen Elizabeth 11 is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. It

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The Nest of The Rich


                                                                                                         The Wrath of Sand-y

Who is a Terrorist? One that commits acts of terror. The word terror became the new fear after 9/11. Before we were suppose

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The Eagles Final Head


                                            THE SEVENTH VISION (Voice from a Bush)


Esd-ras 14 1 On the third day, while I was sitting under an Oak Tree, (1Kings 13:11-14) I suddenly heard a voice calling my name from a bush, 2 so I stood up and a

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Political Dunce


                                                    Mitt Romney VS President Obama.


Pronouncements of who won Wednesday night’s debate in Denver dominated the analysis. (what did they win?)

Did Mitt Romney effectively land his promised zingers a

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