Barbados Prime Minister Addresses General Debate

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MICAH 4:14

Arise and thresh, O Daughter of Zion; I will make your horn Iron, And I will make your hooves Bronze; You shall beat in pieces many peoples; I will consecrate their gain to the Creator, And their substance to the Lord of the Whole Earth.”

12428600462?profile=RESIZE_584x(Spirit of Truth) In the Book of Timothy from which I am name spiritually, it is written that a woman should learn in silence! Yet Timothy was also told that all scriptures is given for correction.

Based upon this, and that man should be the head of the external affairs of the Land, those who pride themselves as being called man should be embarrassed to see that they have become sissies. It is woman that is standing where they should be, and I could never tell her to keep silent in this case. When a person can stand up to speak to an audience without constantly reading from a script, it means she is not an actor.

Jamaica who should be the leaders in the Caribbean based upon their National (Anthem) Prayer that says, Justice, Truth, be ours Forever. But it has been transformed to become just us greedy politicians who lies to the people and is without shame, because they have made themselves the whore of their slave mistress, and is conformed to her business suits that become their pride along with her education, instead of the Wisdom granted from above.

What high expectation can they have of their sons, when they all hide behind the skirt-tail of the woman? It took I sister from Barbados to stand up boldly to represent Latin America and the Caribbean, even if she herself is not perfect in the Truth, for you cannot put New wine in Old wineskin, and as it is written, "The Earth is no longer Young, it has approached Old age.

The Earth has to be renewed by ridding itself of the present One World Government of Economy which is the single cause that is leading the entire Planet to total destruction. The man who stood up for this Truth, "Peter Tosh",  when he sang "The Day The Dollar Dies" Jamaica killed him, and have become sissies. A politician once said, "If America sneezes Jamaica catches a cold".

But then again if the Truth does not rise up out of Jamaica, it will be seen as the biggest lie in the Caribbean. It is Boukman, a slave from this Island who ended up in Haiti to inspire the Revolution, therefore Haiti becomes the foundation of this Justice, that will bring about the second Exodus, that Bob Marley sang about. Jamaica represents the Heart of the Caribbean and the World, but its present leaders are puppets on a string.  Psalms 24.